
A simple, lightweight, and well-documented HTTP server that lets you bootstrap ideas and have something up and running in minutes.

Web Frameworks updated at 2024-06-26T08:16:03Z

The LLVM-based D compiler. Uses the DMD frontend and LLVM backend. Builds slower than dmd, but generates more optimized code than DMD. It supports all the target platforms of LLVM.

Compilers updated at 2024-06-25T22:45:02Z

meta build system in D

Build Tools updated at 2024-06-25T17:21:11Z


Official package and build management system for D.

Package Management updated at 2024-06-25T16:38:29Z


De facto official package and build management system for D. Will be included officially soon.

Build Tools updated at 2024-06-25T16:38:29Z

The Snazzy D Compiler. Written in D. Grows Smarter every day.

WIP Compilers updated at 2024-06-25T13:56:41Z

GtkD is a D binding and OO wrapper of GTK+. GtkD is actively maintained and is currently the most stable GUI lib for D.

GUI Libs updated at 2024-06-23T22:22:53Z

HibernateD is an ORM for D (similar to [Hibernate](https://hibernate.org/)).

Database clients updated at 2024-06-22T21:40:53Z

YAML parser and emitter for the D programming language.

Configuration updated at 2024-06-22T14:07:22Z

#1 Free OneDrive Client for Linux

End-user applications updated at 2024-06-21T22:26:55Z

Adam D. Ruppe's web framework.

Web Frameworks updated at 2024-06-19T17:14:06Z

Adam D. Ruppe's library; in addition to a Web backend, it also has support for database access with database.d, sqlite.d, mysql.d and postgres.d.

Database clients updated at 2024-06-19T17:14:06Z

A Backgammon GUI for Linux built with Gtk.

Games updated at 2024-06-19T11:06:47Z

3D game engine for D. see <https://gecko0307.github.io/dagon/>

Game Frameworks updated at 2024-06-16T22:19:03Z

A dependency injection framework for D with support for autowiring.

Dependency Injection updated at 2024-06-16T21:41:50Z

Language Server Protocol (LSP) implementation for D. Adds modern IDE features to any editor with LSP support (VSCode, Atom, Vim/Neovim and others)

IDEs & Editors updated at 2024-06-10T20:39:32Z

Small and ready-to-go http server, in D

Web Frameworks updated at 2024-06-08T08:57:02Z

HTTP client library inspired by python-requests

Web Frameworks updated at 2024-06-06T11:51:17Z

Tool to create and edit Inochi2D puppets

End-user applications updated at 2024-06-02T23:14:44Z

Install D compilers & DUB inside GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions updated at 2024-05-31T20:20:02Z


A tiling terminal emulator for Linux using GTK+ 3.

Command Line updated at 2024-05-31T09:25:27Z

Phobos candidate for JSON serialization (based on Vibed)

JSON updated at 2024-05-30T17:11:57Z

Multi-threaded unit test framework

Testing Frameworks updated at 2024-05-28T18:02:49Z

DDBC is a DB Connector for D language (similar to JDBC). HibernateD (see below) uses ddbc for database abstraction.

Database clients updated at 2024-05-14T16:09:30Z

formatter for D source code

Dev Tools updated at 2024-05-11T18:07:04Z

Swiss-army knife for D source code (linting, static analysis, D code parsing, etc.)

Dev Tools updated at 2024-05-07T10:06:41Z

Nexflix's opensource deep learning framework.

Machine Learning updated at 2024-05-02T18:52:43Z

extensible logging framework with message transformation support and custom loggers and contexts

Command Line updated at 2024-04-26T20:21:13Z

Vibe.d has internal support for Redis and MongoDB, which are very stable. Soon, the database drivers will be separated into independent projects.

Database clients updated at 2024-04-18T11:19:35Z

A D language lexer and parser, (possibly) future standard D parser/lexer.

Lexers, Parsers, Parser Generators updated at 2024-04-17T11:45:47Z

FPS game with physics based puzzles using OpenGL.

Games updated at 2024-04-16T13:20:21Z

simple easy-to-use colorful logger for command-line applications

Command Line updated at 2024-04-11T06:52:52Z

Cache oriented string based JSON representation for fast read & writes and serialisation.

JSON updated at 2024-03-28T04:52:57Z

generic data structures (GC-free dynamic and associative arrays and more)

Containers updated at 2024-03-03T13:21:40Z

image processing (8 and 16 bits per channel, floating point operations, filtering, FFT, HDRI, graphics formats support including JPEG and PNG)

Image Processing updated at 2024-03-03T13:21:40Z

Cross-platform event loop library of asynchronous objects

Web Frameworks updated at 2024-02-27T18:47:54Z

Visual Studio extension for the D programming language.

IDEs & Editors updated at 2024-02-26T07:27:31Z

A modern, powerful commmand line argument parser.

Command Line updated at 2024-02-17T15:48:39Z

Overhead allocators, allocator-aware containers and lifetime management for D objects

Containers updated at 2024-01-26T03:42:56Z

A data validation library for DLang based on hunt library.

Basic updated at 2024-01-18T02:39:18Z

A refined core library for D programming language. The module has concurrency / collection / event / io / logging / text / serialize and more.

Basic updated at 2024-01-17T09:42:17Z

A MySQL client implemented in native D.

Database clients updated at 2024-01-10T00:06:56Z

fast file sharing from cli, using transfer.sh

End-user applications updated at 2023-12-13T14:30:52Z

lightweight, expressive, extensible 2D/3D game engine.

Game Frameworks updated at 2023-11-18T23:07:16Z

Containers that do not use the GC

Containers updated at 2023-11-15T12:40:13Z

Hunt database abstraction layer for D programing language, support PostgreSQL / MySQL / SQLite.

Database clients updated at 2023-11-15T08:15:53Z

A Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) module written in D.

Lexers, Parsers, Parser Generators updated at 2023-09-08T17:30:50Z

D language bindings for the Godot Engine's GDNative API

Game Engine Bindings updated at 2023-09-04T13:02:37Z

A command-line fuzzy finder.

Command Line updated at 2023-08-14T17:27:35Z

Run `dub upgrade` trying to repeat on network failure and using package cache on GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions updated at 2023-07-11T03:38:02Z

INteract with a PocketBase database

Database clients updated at 2023-06-18T11:35:02Z

Higgs JavaScript Virtual Machine, implemented in D.

Javascript updated at 2023-06-09T14:20:07Z

CMake D Projects

Build Tools updated at 2023-06-09T09:57:36Z

A highly flexible recipe build system inspired by Make

Build Tools updated at 2023-05-18T00:52:55Z

Fast incremental build tool intended for projects in D

Build Tools updated at 2023-04-30T22:24:17Z

An SDL (Simple Declarative Language) library for D.

Configuration updated at 2023-04-30T01:06:05Z

A static site generator with a different approach.

Web Frameworks updated at 2023-03-12T06:12:15Z

bindbc bindings to Microsoft's cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator

Machine Learning updated at 2023-03-05T17:05:13Z

A library for D that aims to provide the fastest possible implementation of some every day routines.

JSON updated at 2023-03-03T15:00:21Z

HTTP/2 library in D, translated from nghttp2

Web Frameworks updated at 2023-03-02T19:49:43Z

D language universal cache library, using radix, redis and memcached.

Web Frameworks updated at 2022-12-26T02:17:25Z

[GPGPU with Native D for OpenCL and CUDA](https://dlang.org/blog/2017/07/17/dcompute-gpgpu-with-native-d-for-opencl-and-cuda/)

Parallel computing updated at 2022-12-23T18:34:18Z

A statistics library for D.

Scientific updated at 2022-12-10T17:22:08Z

D gamedev toolkit.

Game Frameworks updated at 2022-11-14T08:14:35Z

A compile time ini file parser and writter generator for D

Configuration updated at 2022-10-19T11:30:42Z

Qt Qml bindings for the D programming language.

GUI Libs updated at 2022-10-12T09:24:40Z

Database access for D2. Currently only supports PostgreSQL.

Database clients updated at 2022-07-31T14:04:41Z

bindbc bindings for the unicode ICU library.

Internationalization updated at 2022-07-30T10:58:21Z

Hunt entity is an object-relational mapping tool for the D programming language. Referring to the design idea of JPA, support PostgreSQL / MySQL / SQLite.

Database clients updated at 2022-07-22T09:57:30Z

A literate programming tool for any language

End-user applications updated at 2022-07-10T23:55:32Z

Sandbox for some mir packages: sparse tensors, Hoffman and others.

Scientific updated at 2022-06-05T10:20:02Z

N-dimensional arrays (matrixes, tensors), algorithms, general purpose library.

Scientific updated at 2022-06-05T10:20:02Z

HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 protocol library for D.

Web Frameworks updated at 2022-05-17T13:49:58Z

Plugin-based client-server voxel game engine written in D language

Game Frameworks updated at 2022-05-10T16:24:02Z

A markdown parsing and rendering library for D programming language. Support commonMark.

Text Processing updated at 2022-04-15T09:48:14Z

Grpc for D programming language, hunt-http library based.

Web Frameworks updated at 2022-03-12T05:22:40Z

High-performance network library for D programming language, event-driven asynchonous implemention(IOCP / kqueue / epoll).

Web Frameworks updated at 2022-02-21T06:18:34Z

Advanced Random Number Generators.

Scientific updated at 2022-01-10T06:41:13Z

Robust command line argument parsing for D.

Command Line updated at 2021-11-24T08:46:01Z

Hunt console creation easier to create powerful command-line applications.

Command Line updated at 2021-10-29T10:05:04Z

Hybrid operating system for x64 PC written in D

OS updated at 2021-10-26T14:36:32Z

GUI toolkit for the D programming language based on Tcl/Tk.

GUI Libs updated at 2021-10-15T16:40:59Z

A fast preprocessor for C and C++ used in Facebook infrastructure. Written by Walter Bright.

Preprocesors updated at 2021-09-26T15:30:22Z

A tutorial dedicated to D Templates. Very good explanation about templates. Has pdf version. by Philippe Sigaud.

Tutorials updated at 2021-09-21T11:50:40Z

Unofficial OpenCV binding for D

Image Processing updated at 2021-09-06T12:19:56Z

A command line and config file parser for DLang

Command Line updated at 2021-08-25T08:57:04Z

Tensorflow wrapper for D

Machine Learning updated at 2021-06-15T14:07:00Z

Dynamic Binding for [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui)

GUI Libs updated at 2021-05-28T07:59:33Z

A time library and similar to Joda-time and Java.time api.

Basic updated at 2021-03-17T11:55:59Z

Utility library to aid writing script-like programs in D.

Command Line updated at 2021-03-10T10:47:45Z

A free and open 3D game engine written in D. see <https://circularstudios.com/dash/>.

Game Frameworks updated at 2020-12-18T22:24:39Z

simple vibe.d based blog engine

Blog Engine updated at 2020-11-20T15:12:24Z

bindbc MeCab binding (Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer for Japanese)

Language Processing updated at 2020-07-24T10:15:06Z

A D parser written in C# and used in Mono-D.

Lexers, Parsers, Parser Generators updated at 2020-06-04T19:33:09Z

Google Protocol Buffer support in D.

Binary Serilization updated at 2020-05-02T23:36:33Z

Scientific library for the D programming language

Scientific updated at 2020-04-30T01:46:03Z

libpp is an XNA like framework written in D.

Game Frameworks updated at 2020-04-14T21:59:07Z

Vim plugin that integrates various D development tools

IDEs & Editors updated at 2020-04-02T09:39:52Z

General purpose serializer (currently only supports XML)

XML updated at 2020-03-21T19:06:05Z

Autograd and GPGPU library for dynamic neural networks in D

Machine Learning updated at 2020-03-14T17:15:05Z