

A tiling terminal emulator for Linux using GTK+ 3.

Build Status Translation status


A tiling terminal emulator for Linux using GTK+ 3. The Tilix web site for users is available at https://gnunn1.github.io/tilix-web.

:warning: Maintainers Wanted
This project is looking for maintainers! At the moment, only very minimal maintenance is done, no new features will be implemented and pull-requests may be reviewed very slowly.

If you are interested in giving Tilix some :heart:, please chime in!



Migrating Settings From Terminix

Terminix was recently re-named to Tilix and as a result the settings key changed. To migrate your settings to Tilix, please perform the following steps:

dconf dump /com/gexperts/Terminix/ > terminix.dconf
dconf load /com/gexperts/Tilix/ < terminix.dconf

This will export your settings from the Terminix key in dconf and re-import them into the Tilix key.

Note that this will work even after you have uninstalled the Terminix schema, since the user customized settings are available even after the schema got removed, and the default settings are identical between the two and thus do not matter.

Once you have imported the settings and everything is ok you can clear the old Terminix settings with:

dconf reset -f /com/gexperts/Terminix/

Finally to copy the bookmarks and custom themes just do:

mv ~/.config/terminix ~/.config/tilix

Optional Fonts

In some of the screenshots, the powerline statusline shell plugin is used. In order to ensure it works well, you may need to install its fonts and ensure Tilix is aware of them. They can be installed via sudo apt install fonts-powerline on Debian/Ubuntu and sudo dnf install powerline-fonts on Fedora/RedHat-based Linux distributions. After installing the fonts, select the “Powerline Symbols” font in Tilix via Preferences -> Default -> Custom Font. Sessions are updated automatically.


Tilix is localized using Weblate, please visit the Weblate hosted Tilix translations site in order to assist with translations, please do not submit direct pull requests to this repository for translations.

Build Dependencies

Tilix depends on the following libraries as defined in dub.json:

  • gtkd >= 3.8.2
  • gdk-pixbuf-pixdata (Used when building resource file)

Install Tilix

Tilix is available as packages for a variety of distributions.

Uninstall Tilix

This method only applies if you installed Tilix manually using the install instructions. If you installed Tilix from a distribution package then use your package manager to remove tilix, do not use these instructions.

Download the uninstall.sh script from this repository and then open a terminal (not Tilix!) in the directory where you saved it. First set the executable flag on the script:

chmod +x uninstall.sh

and then execute it:

sudo sh uninstall.sh


  • coming soon...