

The Snazzy D Compiler. Written in D. Grows Smarter every day.

What Can It Compile?

See the tests directory for a sample of what is/should-be working. You can also build SDC’s runtime library, that is compiled using SDC.

Compiling SDC on Linux

You’ll need make and the latest DMD installed and LLVM 18.

Run make.

Then you can run the test suite using make check. There should be no regressions.

SDC requires a recent version of LLVM. If the default llvm-config on your system is too old, you can specify a newer version via LLVM_CONFIG. For instance, on a debian system, you want to use LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-11 make .

Compiling SDC on Mac OS X

You’ll need make and the latest DMD installed. You’ll also need a recent version of LLVM if you don’t already have it. One way to install llvm that’s been tested is to use Homebrew, a package manager for OS X. After installing it by following instructions from the web page, run the command brew install llvm11, followed by LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-11 make . If you are using MacPorts instead, you can run sudo port install llvm-11, followed by LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-mp-11 make . You’ll also need a recent version of nasm; if nasm does not recognise the macho64 output format, try upgrading nasm to a newer version.

Building SDC as a Nix package

On Linux, you can also use the Nix package manager to automatically fetch dependencies and build SDC for you. You may need to use the unstable nix channel, to have a new enough dmd to build SDC. Clone or download this repository.

To build the executable, run nix-build -E "(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./. {}" or nix-build -E "(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./. {dflags=\"-O -release\";}" from the project root directory.


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