
Generate OpenApi types for Elm.

Code generators updated at 2024-06-26T11:19:56Z


A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm

Inspired by Elm updated at 2024-06-24T23:17:23Z

Vite plugin for Elm.

Compile and bundle updated at 2024-06-24T21:43:22Z

Elm Language Server for Sublime (Recommended).

Sublime Text updated at 2024-06-24T18:58:26Z

Generate JSON decoders and encoders from JSON

Code generators updated at 2024-06-24T04:32:21Z

Code reviewer for the Elm programming language.

Static analysis updated at 2024-06-22T13:44:27Z

Elm-like abstractions for F# apps

Inspired by Elm updated at 2024-06-20T07:52:39Z

Create Elm apps with no build configuration.

Boilerplates updated at 2024-06-19T16:24:53Z

Elm webpack 4 starter template.

Boilerplates updated at 2024-06-19T15:54:39Z

Literate Visualization with Elm

Other tools updated at 2024-06-16T10:06:48Z

Markup expansion with elm support.

Vim/Neovim updated at 2024-06-14T14:10:12Z

`elm make` in watch mode. Fast and reliable.

Run Elm updated at 2024-06-12T07:09:17Z

The Elm Architecture based on OCaml / Reason and [Bucklescript](https://bucklescript.github.io/)

Inspired by Elm updated at 2024-06-11T10:40:41Z

Generate Elm code

Code generators updated at 2024-06-09T17:02:05Z

F# Functional App Development, using declarative dynamic UI

Inspired by Elm updated at 2024-05-17T07:29:37Z

Language server implementation for Elm

Sublime Text updated at 2024-05-06T23:07:00Z

The official Elm compiler.

Compile and bundle updated at 2024-05-06T21:22:43Z

Elm plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.

IntelliJ updated at 2024-05-06T08:15:11Z

Generate GraphQl client code from GraphQL queries

Code generators updated at 2024-03-25T19:08:43Z

Generate Protobuf En/Decoders from .proto files

Code generators updated at 2024-03-18T05:03:56Z

A list of companies using Elm in production.

Community and Support updated at 2024-03-14T09:02:40Z

Unit and fuzz tests

Testing updated at 2024-02-21T21:10:24Z

Generate typesafe Elm code from translation files

Code generators updated at 2024-02-11T15:33:55Z

Generate GraphQl client code from GraphQL schemas

Code generators updated at 2024-01-29T23:19:50Z

Generate Elm types from Haskell

Code generators updated at 2024-01-22T10:05:59Z

Webpack loader Elm.

Compile and bundle updated at 2024-01-09T14:51:31Z

A [node-based visual editor for fiddling with regular expressions](https://johannesvollmer.com/regex-nodes/), built with Elm.

Examples updated at 2024-01-05T15:44:28Z

Generate Elm types, encoders, and decoders from Haskell types

Code generators updated at 2023-12-02T18:46:03Z

A lightweight Brunch based setup for web app. Includes Brunch, Hot Module Replacement, Elm, Scss, Elm tests.

Outdated Boilerplates updated at 2023-10-10T18:10:58Z

Describe the behavior of Elm programs.

Testing updated at 2023-08-19T03:11:51Z

Install, upgrade and uninstall Elm dependencies

Other tools updated at 2023-07-26T17:32:26Z

Generates Elm types, JSON decoders, JSON encoders and fuzz tests from JSON schema specifications

Code generators updated at 2023-07-14T22:53:48Z

Build up Encoders/Decoders between Elm and TypeScript.

Code generators updated at 2023-06-02T13:00:38Z

Start an Elm SPA ready to the real world.

Frameworks updated at 2023-05-02T13:30:22Z

Linter for the Elm programming language.

Static analysis updated at 2023-04-19T09:20:42Z

Automatic Elm code formatter adhering to [Elm Style Guide](http://elm-lang.org/docs/style-guide).

Other tools updated at 2023-04-13T18:43:21Z

An excellent list of games made in Elm

Games updated at 2023-04-05T03:02:29Z

Syntax highlighting, Elm REPL, Elm make and Elm format integration for the Emacs editor.

Emacs updated at 2023-03-15T11:23:02Z

Command Line Utility for creating an Elm boilerplate project easy to run, build and get deployed

Boilerplates updated at 2023-03-05T11:49:40Z

Showcase your views and states.

Showcase generators updated at 2023-03-05T03:00:06Z

Elm app integrated with Spotify Api to search and explore new artists.

Examples updated at 2023-03-04T01:00:56Z

A recipe [site](https://arisgarden.theiceshelf.com/) built as an SPA that also makes use of the Elm parser.

Examples updated at 2023-01-05T04:53:11Z

Elm offline documentation previewer.

Other tools updated at 2022-12-10T18:54:06Z

Put some Tailwind in your Elm

Code generators updated at 2022-12-10T06:28:08Z

Yeoman generator for a simple elm application utilizing Material Design.

Outdated Boilerplates updated at 2022-12-03T16:11:14Z

Elm implementation of Conway's Game of Life. **Elm v.0.19**

Examples updated at 2022-11-26T09:22:24Z

JS type systems interportability.

Other tools updated at 2022-11-14T10:32:09Z

Documented and tested implementation of the Elm TodoMVC app in Electron.

Examples updated at 2022-10-09T08:36:55Z

A reddit place like DApp with blockchain and canvas(through port) integration in Elm.

Games updated at 2022-08-18T08:26:57Z

Useful resources for programming language theory & development in Elm.

Learning Guides updated at 2022-08-10T12:42:49Z

A flexible dev server for Elm. Live reload included.

Boilerplates updated at 2022-06-18T15:21:19Z

Discover the beautiful programming language that makes front-end web apps a joy to build and maintain!

Learning Guides updated at 2022-01-14T12:25:34Z

A simple Webpack setup for writing Elm apps.

Outdated Boilerplates updated at 2021-12-12T20:40:22Z

A project template and generator for Elm, Parcel, Cypress and Netlify

Boilerplates updated at 2021-10-21T19:44:16Z

Generate TypeScript definitions from Elm (`Elm TS Interop` is an improved version of this).

Code generators updated at 2021-10-18T19:49:43Z

Write CLI programs using Elm

Beyond the DOM updated at 2021-10-18T13:17:51Z

Write CLI programs using Elm

Other tools updated at 2021-10-18T13:17:51Z

An end-to-end encrypted journal app.

Examples updated at 2021-07-18T00:16:39Z

Elm 0.18 mode for Vim/Neovim.

Vim/Neovim updated at 2021-05-19T08:15:04Z

Elm project consuming PokéAPI.

Examples updated at 2021-03-15T11:01:29Z

Offline Elm documentation access in your editor.

Vim/Neovim updated at 2020-06-20T18:29:00Z

Generate initial project scaffolding based on a template.

Outdated Boilerplates updated at 2020-06-05T14:31:52Z

Write Elixir code using statically-typed Elm-like syntax

Inspired by Elm updated at 2020-03-17T13:19:41Z

Proper implementation of the TodoMVC app.

Examples updated at 2020-01-07T21:49:33Z

How to create modular Elm code that scales nicely with your app.

Learning Guides updated at 2019-12-30T12:16:10Z

Practice exercises for learning Elm.

Learning Guides updated at 2019-11-08T12:32:58Z

Sublime Text plugin to run elm-format on save.

Sublime Text updated at 2019-08-09T19:56:54Z

A kanban board (trello-alike) built with Elm and HTML5 Drag & Drop API

Examples updated at 2019-04-24T16:28:41Z

Example showing hot module reloading for Elm 0.19 and Webpack

Boilerplates updated at 2019-02-06T19:14:32Z

A collection of examples with advanced techniques for real-world Elm apps.

Examples updated at 2019-02-04T12:55:58Z

A small SPA example in Elm to learn the basics

Examples updated at 2018-12-10T09:00:58Z

A very very basic elm + webpack 4 template.

Outdated Boilerplates updated at 2018-10-25T21:54:14Z

Command line tool to share Elm libraries.

Package Managers updated at 2018-08-22T20:03:43Z

A minimal Elm + Phoenix setup, using webpack instead of Brunch.

Examples updated at 2018-07-07T19:16:54Z

Elm syntax highlighting. Use with [ale or Neoformat for Neovim](https://github.com/avh4/elm-format/issues/610) since ElmCast/elm-vim does not support Elm 0.19.

Vim/Neovim updated at 2018-06-12T13:20:56Z

Syntax and features overview.

Learning Guides updated at 2018-04-27T10:21:28Z

Grunt plugin that compiles Elm files to JavaScript.

Unmaintained updated at 2018-03-24T08:58:40Z

A fully-featured base project for Elm apps: Webpack, HMR, ES6, JS and Elm tests, Semantic UI, sample code and more.

Outdated Boilerplates updated at 2018-01-14T23:30:24Z

A progressive web app built with Elm version 0.18, using the official Hacker-News API

Examples updated at 2017-10-21T12:01:08Z

Query for information about values in elm source files. Used by most editor plugins.

Other tools updated at 2017-10-17T01:50:08Z

Chrome extension built in Elm that shows the bitcoin value in all Brazilian exchanges.

Examples updated at 2017-10-10T19:05:02Z

A simple Makefile able to create Elm app.

Outdated Boilerplates updated at 2017-09-30T14:33:51Z

Bare-bones, modular, heavily-documented todo app with JSON API persistence.

Examples updated at 2017-09-27T01:01:26Z

JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication using Django (backend) and Elm (frontend).

Examples updated at 2017-08-26T08:59:40Z

Syntax highlighting, REPL, autocompletion, package management and much more for Light Table.

Other editors updated at 2017-03-07T20:41:43Z

Collection of examples on places where Elm is different to Haskell, targeted at Elm beginners coming from Haskell backgrounds.

Learning Guides updated at 2017-02-05T22:53:46Z

Elm snippets for Atom.

Atom updated at 2016-12-07T16:16:41Z

Interactive setup for new Elm projects.

Outdated Boilerplates updated at 2016-10-08T09:50:45Z

An example Android application implemented with the Elm Architecture using the Kotlin programming language and Anko library.

Examples updated at 2016-10-05T19:04:50Z

A Tinder-like application for gifs built with elm and firebase!

Examples updated at 2016-08-19T09:10:26Z

Fork of TodoMVC demonstrating start-app, [The Elm Architecture](https://github.com/evancz/elm-architecture-tutorial) and Firebase as backend.

Examples updated at 2016-06-16T20:06:36Z

A collection of notes for web developers looking into moving to Elm.

updated at 2016-01-25T00:37:06Z