
A Clojure 3D Game Engine (Wrapper), Powered by jMonkeyEngine

Game Development updated at 2024-05-26T07:12:10Z

Java 8 Date-Time API

Date and Time updated at 2024-05-01T01:36:31Z

a reactive dataflow programming toolkit

Awesome macros usage updated at 2024-04-24T09:47:00Z

suspends and continuations (coroutines)

Awesome macros usage updated at 2024-03-26T16:21:17Z

transforms AST into CSP programs

Awesome macros usage updated at 2024-02-19T22:25:11Z

reexport vars in another ns / act like a clojure map

Miscellaneous updated at 2024-02-06T12:00:02Z

Calendar operations that are aware of weekends and holidays

Date and Time updated at 2023-12-05T00:46:01Z

A Clojure and ClojureScript game library

Game Development updated at 2023-10-05T15:58:48Z

transparent data transformation using datastructure pattermatching

Awesome macros usage updated at 2023-09-08T14:28:43Z

RSS/Atom feed consumer and producer

Parsing updated at 2023-03-01T15:08:37Z

3D multiplayer game prototype written in Clojure and ClojureScript

Projects updated at 2022-04-19T17:29:28Z

staged compilation

Awesome macros usage updated at 2021-10-29T00:14:50Z

A 3D racing game built with ClojureScript, React and ThreeJS

Projects updated at 2021-06-24T07:52:20Z

Graph based visualization tool for re-frame event chains (ClojureScript)

Graphviz updated at 2021-05-18T09:05:19Z

realtime web, like Meteor, but for Clojure(Script)

Awesome macros usage updated at 2017-04-05T00:41:18Z

introduce mutable variables (don't use, just learn how to map your mind into immutable world)

Awesome macros usage updated at 2016-10-24T14:41:02Z