

Cache oriented string based JSON representation for fast read & writes and serialisation.


asdf was originally developed at Tamedia to extract and transform real-time click streams.

  • ASDF is fast. It can be really helpful if you have gigabytes of JSON line separated values.
  • ASDF is simple. It uses D’s modelling power to make you write less boilerplate code.
  • ASDF is tested and used in production for real World JSON generated by millions of web clients (we call it the great fuzzer).

see also github.com/tamediadigital/je a tool for fast extraction of json properties into a csv/tsv.

Simple Example

  1. define your struct
  2. call serializeToJson ( or serializeToJsonPretty for pretty printing! )
  3. profit!
dependency "asdf" version="~>0.2.5"

#turns on SSE4.2 optimizations when compiled with LDC
dflags "-mattr=+sse4.2" platform="ldc"
import asdf;

struct Simple
    string name;
    ulong level;

void main()
    auto o = Simple("asdf", 42);
    string data = `{"name":"asdf","level":42}`;
    assert(o.serializeToJson() == data);
    assert(data.deserialize!Simple == o);


See ASDF API and Specification.

I/O Speed

  • Reading JSON line separated values and parsing them to ASDF - 300+ MB per second (SSD).
  • Writing ASDF range to JSON line separated values - 300+ MB per second (SSD).

Fast setup with the dub package manager

Dub version

Dub is D’s package manager. You can create a new project with:

dub init <project-name>

Now you need to edit the dub.json add asdf as dependency and set its targetType to executable.


    "dependencies": {
        "asdf": "~><current-version>"
    "targetType": "executable",
    "dflags-ldc": ["-mcpu=native"]


dependency "asdf" version="~><current-version>"
targetType "executable"
dflags "-mcpu=native" platform="ldc"

Now you can create a main file in the source and run your code with


Flags --build=release and --compiler=ldmd2 can be added for a performance boost:

dub --build=release --compiler=ldmd2

ldmd2 is a shell on top of LDC (LLVM D Compiler). "dflags-ldc": ["-mcpu=native"] allows LDC to optimize ASDF for your CPU.

Instead of using -mcpu=native, you may specify an additional instruction set for a target with -mattr. For example, -mattr=+sse4.2. ASDF has specialized code for SSE4.2.

Main transformation functions

uda function
@serdeKeys("bar_common", "bar") tries to read the data from either property. saves it to the first one
@serdeKeysIn("a", "b") tries to read the data from a, then b. last one occuring in the json wins
@serdeKeyOut("a") writes it to a
@serdeIgnore ignore this property completely
@serdeIgnoreIn don’t read this property
@serdeIgnoreOut don’t write this property
@serdeIgnoreOutIf!condition run function condition on serialization and don’t write this property if the result is true
@serdeScoped Dangerous! non allocating strings. this means data can vanish if the underlying buffer is removed.
@serdeProxy!string call to!string
@serdeTransformIn!fin call function fin to transform the data
@serdeTransformOut!fout run function fout on serialization, different notation
@serdeAllowMultiple Allows deserialiser to serialize multiple keys for the same object member input.
@serdeOptional Allows deserialiser to to skip member desrization of no keys corresponding keys input.

Please also look into the Docs or Unittest for concrete examples!

ASDF Example (incomplete)

import std.algorithm;
import std.stdio;
import asdf;

void main()
    auto target = Asdf("red");
        // Use at least 4096 bytes for real world apps
        // 32 is minimum size for internal buffer. Buffer can be reallocated to get more memory.
        .filter!(object => object
            // opIndex accepts array of keys: {"key0": {"key1": { ... {"keyN-1": <value>}... }}}
            // iterates over an array
            // Comparison with ASDF is little bit faster
            //   than comparison with a string.
        // Formatting uses internal buffer to reduce system delegate and system function calls

Single object per line: 4th and 5th lines are broken.

{"colors": ["red"]}
{"a":"b", "colors": [4, "red", "string"]}
    "comment" : "this is broken (multiline) object"}
{"colors": "green"}
{"colors": "red"]}}

JSON and ASDF Serialization Examples

Simple struct or object
struct S
    string a;
    long b;
    private int c; // private fields are ignored
    package int d; // package fields are ignored
    // all other fields in JSON are ignored
struct S
    // ignored
    @serdeIgnore int temp;
    // can be formatted to json
    @serdeIgnoreIn int a;
    //can be parsed from json
    @serdeIgnoreOut int b;
    // ignored if negative
    @serdeIgnoreOutIf!`a < 0` int c;
Key overriding
struct S
    // key is overrided to "aaa"
    @serdeKeys("aaa") int a;

    // overloads multiple keys for parsing
    @serdeKeysIn("b", "_b")
    // overloads key for generation
    int b;
User-Defined Serialization
struct DateTimeProxy
    DateTime datetime;
    alias datetime this;

    SerdeException deserializeFromAsdf(Asdf data)
        string val;
        if (auto exc = deserializeScopedString(data, val))
            return exc;
        this = DateTimeProxy(DateTime.fromISOString(val));
        return null;

    void serialize(S)(ref S serializer)
//serialize a Doubly Linked list into an Array
struct SomeDoublyLinkedList
    @serdeIgnore DList!(SomeArr[]) myDll;
    alias myDll this;

    //no template but a function this time!
    void serialize(ref AsdfSerializer serializer)
        auto state = serializer.listBegin();
        foreach (ref elem; myDll)
Serialization Proxy
struct S
    @serdeProxy!DateTimeProxy DateTime time;
enum E

// const(char)[] doesn't reallocate ASDF data.
struct ProxyE
    E e;

    this(E e)
        this.e = e;

    this(in char[] str)
            case "NONE":
            case "NA":
            case "N/A":
                e = E.none;
            case "BAR":
            case "BR":
                e = E.bar;
                throw new Exception("Unknown: " ~ cast(string)str);

    string toString()
        if (e == E.none)
            return "NONE";
            return "BAR";

    E opCast(T : E)()
        return e;

    assert(serializeToJson(E.bar) == `"BAR"`);
    assert(`"N/A"`.deserialize!E == E.none);
    assert(`"NA"`.deserialize!E == E.none);

If you need to do additional calculations or etl transformations that happen to depend on the deserialized data use the finalizeDeserialization method.

struct S
    string a;
    int b;

    @serdeIgnoreIn double sum;

    void finalizeDeserialization(Asdf data)
        auto r = data["c", "d"];
        auto a = r["e"].get(0.0);
        auto b = r["g"].get(0.0);
        sum = a + b;
assert(`{"a":"bar","b":3,"c":{"d":{"e":6,"g":7}}}`.deserialize!S == S("bar", 3, 13));


  • coming soon...