

Official package and build management system for D.

dub package manager

Package and build manager for D applications and libraries.

There is a central package registry located at http://code.dlang.org.

GitHub tag Coverage Status Buildkite

Future direction

To make things as flexible as they need to be for certain projects, it is planned to gradually add more options to the package file format and eventually to add the possibility to specify an external build tool along with the path of it’s output files. The idea is that DUB provides a convenient build management that suffices for 99% of projects, but is also usable as a bare package manager that doesn’t get in your way if needed.

Arch Linux

Михаил Страшун (Dicebot) maintains a dub package of the latest release in Community, for x86_64 and i686. Moritz Maxeiner has created a PKGBUILD file for GIT master: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/dub-git/

Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Jordi Sayol maintains a DEB package as part of his D APT repository. Run sudo apt-get install dub to install.


Chris Molozian has added DUB to Homebrew. Use brew install dub to install the stable version, optionally adding --HEAD/--devel to install the latest git master or development release respectively.

There is also a MacPorts package available. Type sudo port install dub to install the latest stable version.


Daniel Jost maintains a dub package on chocolatey. Use cinst dub or cinst dub -version #.#.# to install stable or a custom version respectively.

Alpine Linux

Mathias (@Geod24) Lang maintains the Alpine Linux packages. It is currently part of ‘edge’ and can be installed through apk --no-cache add -X http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing dub.


Brian Callahan (bcallah@) maintains the OpenBSD package. Use pkg_add dub to install it.

Using DUB as a library

The DUB package of DUB can be used as a library to load or manipulate packages, or to resemble any functionality of the command line tool. The former task can be achieved by using the Package class. For examples on how to replicate the command line functionality, see commandline.d.

Minimal D compiler required to build DUB

In general it is always recommended to build DUB with the latest version of your D compiler. However, currently 2.076 is required to build DUB from source.


  • coming soon...