
Manage BareMetal Servers from Command Line (as easily as with Docker).

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T13:36:24Z

Lightweight, programmable telemetry for servers and workstations.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T13:35:46Z

Scalable, Geo-Replicated, Transactional Datastore.

Databases Implemented in Go updated at 2024-06-26T13:34:07Z

A helper for Rails' like test fixtures to test database applications.

Testing Frameworks updated at 2024-06-26T13:33:43Z

BitTorrent client package.

Distributed Systems updated at 2024-06-26T13:32:07Z

Container Cluster Manager from Google.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T13:31:35Z


An Express.js inspired web framework build on Fasthttp.

Web Frameworks updated at 2024-06-26T13:30:31Z


Go library for accessing the GitHub REST API v3.

Third-party APIs updated at 2024-06-26T13:28:21Z

RocksDB/LevelDB inspired key-value database in Go.

Databases Implemented in Go updated at 2024-06-26T13:27:56Z

Monitoring system and time series database.

Databases Implemented in Go updated at 2024-06-26T13:21:27Z

Woodpecker is a community fork of the Drone CI system.

Continuous Integration updated at 2024-06-26T13:20:49Z


TiDB is a distributed SQL database. Inspired by the design of Google F1.

Databases Implemented in Go updated at 2024-06-26T13:20:08Z

Reverse proxy and load balancer with support for multiple backends.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T13:19:46Z


Fork of Gogs, entirely community driven.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T13:17:19Z


Structured logger for `net/context` aware HTTP handlers with flexible dispatching.

Logging updated at 2024-06-26T13:15:03Z

Milvus is a vector database for embedding management, analytics and search.

Databases Implemented in Go updated at 2024-06-26T13:14:38Z


Easily and securely send files or folders from one computer to another.

Other Software updated at 2024-06-26T13:09:40Z


Minio is a distributed object storage server.

Server Applications updated at 2024-06-26T13:08:45Z

OpenAI ChatGPT, DALL·E, Whisper API library for Go.

Third-party APIs updated at 2024-06-26T13:07:09Z

A distributed tracing system.

Performance updated at 2024-06-26T13:06:50Z

WeScale is a database proxy designed to enhance the scalability, performance, security, and resilience of your applications.

Database Tools updated at 2024-06-26T13:06:21Z

Fast Redis RESP3 client with auto pipelining and server-assisted client side caching.

NoSQL Database Drivers updated at 2024-06-26T13:03:59Z

Fast, Simple and Scalable Distributed File System with O(1) disk seek.

Other Software updated at 2024-06-26T13:02:35Z


Enterprise-Grade CI/CD and DevOps Automation Open Source Platform.

Continuous Integration updated at 2024-06-26T13:00:53Z

A GitOps-style continuous delivery platform that provides consistent deployment and operations experience for any applications.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T13:00:47Z

Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics.

Databases Implemented in Go updated at 2024-06-26T12:50:39Z

A decentralized identity-based social network.

Distributed Systems updated at 2024-06-26T12:50:30Z

fast, resource-effective and scalable open source time series database. May be used as long-term remote storage for Prometheus. Supports PromQL.

Databases Implemented in Go updated at 2024-06-26T12:50:03Z

HTTP/2 web server with built-in support for Lua, Markdown, GCSS and Amber.

Server Applications updated at 2024-06-26T12:47:25Z


Pure Go ACME client library and CLI tool (for use with Let's Encrypt).

Security updated at 2024-06-26T12:46:04Z

Golang wrapper for The Movie Database API v3.

Third-party APIs updated at 2024-06-26T12:44:31Z

Feature-complete REST API framework aimed at clean code and fast development, with powerful built-in functionalities.

Web Frameworks updated at 2024-06-26T12:35:00Z

Froggit-Go is a Go library, allowing to perform actions on VCS providers.

Version Control updated at 2024-06-26T12:32:45Z

Efficient and robust glTF 2.0 reader, writer and validator.

Images updated at 2024-06-26T12:31:27Z

Official Arduino CLI and library. Can run standalone, or be incorporated into larger Go projects.

Hardware updated at 2024-06-26T12:31:23Z


A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T12:30:05Z


vitess provides servers and tools which facilitate scaling of MySQL databases for large scale web services.

Database Tools updated at 2024-06-26T12:28:59Z


Highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery.

Server Applications updated at 2024-06-26T12:23:36Z

Minio Go Library for Amazon S3 compatible cloud storage.

Third-party APIs updated at 2024-06-26T12:17:07Z

Gofr is an opinionated microservice development framework.

Web Frameworks updated at 2024-06-26T12:12:16Z

Google Cloud APIs Go Client Library.

Third-party APIs updated at 2024-06-26T12:11:27Z


Collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T12:10:52Z

Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible.

Utilities updated at 2024-06-26T11:52:26Z

A Framework for Building Public Blockchains in the Cosmos Ecosystem.

Blockchain updated at 2024-06-26T11:41:20Z

An embedded key/value database for Go.

Databases Implemented in Go updated at 2024-06-26T11:39:08Z

Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T11:27:59Z

A distributed, Byzantine fault-tolerant, deterministic state machine replication engine. It is a fork of Tendermint Core and implements the Tendermint consensus algorithm.

Blockchain updated at 2024-06-26T11:26:38Z

Go compiler for small places. Microcontrollers, WebAssembly, and command-line tools. Based on LLVM.

WebAssembly updated at 2024-06-26T11:25:54Z

KubeBlocks is an open-source control plane that runs and manages databases, message queues and other data infrastructure on K8s.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T11:23:00Z

LangChainGo is a framework for developing applications powered by language models.

Artificial Intelligence updated at 2024-06-26T11:20:56Z


Open Source OpenAI alternative, self-host AI models.

Artificial Intelligence updated at 2024-06-26T11:10:13Z


Dolt – It's Git for Data.

Databases Implemented in Go updated at 2024-06-26T11:03:43Z

Safe database schema change and version control for DevOps teams.

Database Schema Migration updated at 2024-06-26T10:59:51Z

Go wrapper for [starlark-go](https://github.com/google/starlark-go) that simplifies script execution, offers data conversion, and useful Starlark libraries and extensions.

Embeddable Scripting Languages updated at 2024-06-26T10:53:38Z


Easy to use OpenID Connect client and server library written for Go and certified by the OpenID Foundation

Authentication and OAuth updated at 2024-06-26T10:43:36Z

Cloud native application delivery.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T10:35:07Z

Go package for computer vision using OpenCV 3.3+.

Images updated at 2024-06-26T10:34:38Z


A Lodash like Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)

Utilities updated at 2024-06-26T10:31:24Z

A modular-designed and easy-to-use microservices framework in Go.

Distributed Systems updated at 2024-06-26T10:17:49Z


Redis client for Golang.

NoSQL Database Drivers updated at 2024-06-26T10:13:06Z

Implementation of fine-grained authorization based on the "Zanzibar: Google's Consistent, Global Authorization System" paper. Backed by [CNCF](https://www.cncf.io/).

Authentication and OAuth updated at 2024-06-26T10:08:41Z

Go library for accessing the [Atlassian Cloud](https://www.atlassian.com/enterprise/cloud) services (Jira, Jira Service Management, Jira Agile, Confluence, Admin Cloud)

Third-party APIs updated at 2024-06-26T10:04:17Z


A HTML templating language that has great developer tooling.

Template Engines updated at 2024-06-26T09:54:52Z

Enterprise-ready, modsecurity and OWASP CRS compatible WAF library.

Security updated at 2024-06-26T09:39:43Z

Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol.

Blockchain updated at 2024-06-26T09:34:44Z

Go port of Ruby's dotenv library (Loads environment variables from `.env`).

Configuration updated at 2024-06-26T09:33:44Z

A general pureposed function mocking library.

Mock updated at 2024-06-26T09:30:20Z

Lightweight server to share files, which expire after a set amount of downloads or days. Similar to Firefox Send, but without public upload.

Other Software updated at 2024-06-26T09:28:54Z


A Database Toolkit. A CLI designed to help companies better work with their data.

Database Schema Migration updated at 2024-06-26T09:14:53Z

A flexible Go web framework and Headless CMS.

Web Frameworks updated at 2024-06-26T09:04:04Z

Container Signing, Verification and Storage in an OCI registry.

Zero Trust updated at 2024-06-26T08:31:19Z

Fast minifiers for HTML, CSS, JS, XML, JSON and SVG file formats.

Utilities updated at 2024-06-26T08:22:45Z

ORM generator. Generate a featureful and blazing-fast ORM tailored to your database schema.

ORM updated at 2024-06-26T08:21:54Z

Telegram bot framework is written in Go.

Bot Building updated at 2024-06-26T08:20:46Z

Lightweight data stream processing engine for IoT edge.

IoT (Internet of Things) updated at 2024-06-26T08:17:27Z


Cross platform native GUIs designed for Go based on Material Design. Supports: Linux, macOS, Windows, BSD, iOS and Android.

GUI updated at 2024-06-26T08:06:55Z

A tiny library for writing concurrent programs using actor model.

Goroutines updated at 2024-06-26T08:02:55Z

Database benchmarking tool with support for several databases and scripts.

Database Tools updated at 2024-06-26T08:01:56Z

Go client for the Stripe API.

Third-party APIs updated at 2024-06-26T08:01:50Z

A bot for Telegram, Mastodon, Slack, and other messaging platforms archives webpages.

Bot Building updated at 2024-06-26T07:40:15Z

A simple, complete and lightweight self-hosted feature flag solution 100% Open Source.

Server Applications updated at 2024-06-26T07:40:11Z

Visualize call graph of your Go program using dot format.

Go Tools updated at 2024-06-26T07:37:52Z


Auto-generated Google APIs for Go.

Third-party APIs updated at 2024-06-26T07:20:49Z

Telegram Bot API library for Golang with full one-to-one API implementation.

Bot Building updated at 2024-06-26T07:08:49Z


A crypto trading bot framework written in Go. Including common crypto exchange API, standard indicators, back-testing and many built-in strategies.

Financial updated at 2024-06-26T07:02:14Z

Fast, simple, geo-distributed KV store built for cloud native era.

Databases Implemented in Go updated at 2024-06-26T06:54:15Z

A generics based dependency injection framework for Go.

Dependency Injection updated at 2024-06-26T06:52:24Z

Automated service health dashboard.

Uncategorized updated at 2024-06-26T06:34:25Z

Passive DNS Capture/Monitoring Framework.

Networking updated at 2024-06-26T06:34:18Z


Minio Client provides minimal tools to work with Amazon S3 compatible cloud storage and filesystems.

Utilities updated at 2024-06-26T06:33:33Z

Reactive, cross-platform desktop GUI toolkit.

GUI updated at 2024-06-26T06:33:22Z

A high-performance and strong-extensibility Go HTTP framework that helps developers build microservices.

Web Frameworks updated at 2024-06-26T06:15:54Z

Real-time messaging (Websockets or SockJS) server in Go.

Messaging updated at 2024-06-26T05:52:04Z

Fast and lightweight DNS proxy as ad-blocker for local network with many features.

Other Software updated at 2024-06-26T05:01:06Z

Oracle driver for Go, using the ODPI-C driver.

Relational Database Drivers updated at 2024-06-26T04:55:30Z


Lightweight, high performance messaging system for microservices, IoT, and cloud native systems.

Distributed Systems updated at 2024-06-26T04:42:25Z

A web and rpc framework. It's born to ensure the stability of the busy sites with resilient design. Builtin goctl greatly improves the development productivity.

Distributed Systems updated at 2024-06-26T04:02:31Z

`gnet` is a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go.

Networking updated at 2024-06-26T03:24:50Z

confluent-kafka-go is Confluent's Golang client for Apache Kafka and the Confluent Platform.

Messaging updated at 2024-06-26T03:20:59Z


Lightweight Kubernetes.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T02:36:07Z