

Multi-threaded unit test framework


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My DConf2016 Lightning talk demonstrating unit-threaded.

Multi-threaded advanced unit test framework for the D programming language.

Augments D’s unittest blocks with:

  • Tests can be named and individually run
  • Custom assertions for better error reporting (e.g. 1.should == 2)
  • Runs in threads by default
  • UDAs for customisation of tests
  • Property based testing
  • Mocking

Quick start with dub

Note: while getting started this way is easy, it also increases build times and may run into edge cases. See below for how to do it manually.

dub runs tests with dub test. Unfortunately, due to the nature of D’s compile-time reflection, to use this library a test runner file listing all modules to reflect on must exist. Since this is a tedious task and easily automated, unit-threaded has a dub configuration called gen_ut_main to do just that. To use unit-threaded with a dub project, you can use a unittest configuration as exemplified in this dub.json:

    "name": "myproject",
    "targetType": "executable",
    "targetPath": "bin",
    "configurations": [
        { "name": "executable" },
            "name": "unittest",
            "targetType": "executable",
            "preBuildCommands": ["$DUB run --compiler=$$DC unit-threaded -c gen_ut_main -- -f bin/ut.d -d $DUB"],
            "mainSourceFile": "bin/ut.d",
            "excludedSourceFiles": ["src/main.d"],
            "dependencies": {
                "unit-threaded": "*"

With dub.sdl:

configuration "executable" {

configuration "unittest" {
    dependency "unit-threaded" version="*"
    mainSourceFile "bin/ut.d"
    excludedSourceFiles "src/main.d"
    targetType "executable"
    preBuildCommands "$DUB run --compiler=$$DC unit-threaded -c gen_ut_main -- -f bin/ut.d -d $DUB"

excludedSourceFiles is there to not compile the file containing the main function to avoid linker errors. As an alternative to using excludedSourceFiles, the “real” main can be versioned out:

version(unittest) {
    import unit_threaded;
    mixin runTestsMain!(
        // ...
} else {
    void main() {


  • coming soon...