

D language universal cache library, using radix, redis and memcached.

Build Status

Hunt Cache

Universal cache library for D programming language.

Sample code for Memory adapter

import hunt.cache;

import std.stdio;

void main()
    auto cache = CacheFactory.create();

    // define key
    string key = "my_cache_key";
    // set cache
    cache.set(key, "My cache value.");

    // get cache
    string value = cache.get(key);


Sample code for struct & class

import hunt.cache;

import std.stdio;

struct User
    string name;
    int age;

void main()
    auto cache = CacheFactory.create();

    // define key
    string key = "user_info";

    User user;
    user.name = "zoujiaqing";
    user.age = 99;

    // set cache
    cache.set(key, user);

    // get cache
    User userinfo = cache.get!User(key);


How to use Redis adapter?

import hunt.cache;

import std.stdio;

void main()
    CacheOption option;
    option.adapter = "redis";
    option.redis.host = "";
    option.redis.port = 6379;

    auto cache = CacheFactory.create(option);

    // code for set / get ..


  • coming soon...