
A fast high-level screen scraping and web crawling framework.

Web Crawling updated at 2024-06-26T11:53:28Z

The official high-level Python client for Elasticsearch.

Search updated at 2024-06-26T11:39:25Z


A Python package that generates fake data.

Testing updated at 2024-06-26T11:39:04Z


A scalable, portable, and distributed gradient boosting library.

Machine Learning updated at 2024-06-26T11:26:14Z

The most popular Deep Learning framework created by Google.

Deep Learning updated at 2024-06-26T11:25:48Z


[Apache Spark](https://spark.apache.org/) Python API.

Distributed Computing updated at 2024-06-26T11:25:23Z


**Default, most widely used implementation of the Python programming language written in C.**

Implementations updated at 2024-06-26T11:23:49Z

Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool.

Penetration Testing updated at 2024-06-26T11:21:04Z

Deep learning framework to train, deploy, and ship AI products Lightning fast.

Deep Learning updated at 2024-06-26T11:18:07Z


A Python 3.6+ web server and web framework that's written to go fast.

RESTful API updated at 2024-06-26T11:15:54Z


Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration.

Deep Learning updated at 2024-06-26T11:14:54Z

A package designed to expose cryptographic primitives and recipes to Python developers.

Cryptography updated at 2024-06-26T11:11:58Z


The Python client for Redis.

Database Drivers updated at 2024-06-26T11:11:38Z

A framework which lets you build dashboards, generate reports, or create chat apps in minutes.

Admin Panels updated at 2024-06-26T11:08:26Z

A lean and efficient Python programming language implementation.

Implementations updated at 2024-06-26T11:00:30Z

Infrastructure automation and management system.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T11:00:10Z

Sentry SDK for Python.

Logging updated at 2024-06-26T10:55:12Z


A flexible parallel computing library for analytic computing.

Distributed Computing updated at 2024-06-26T10:52:05Z


The most popular web framework in Python.

Web Frameworks updated at 2024-06-26T10:50:40Z

Collection of library stubs for Python, with static types.

Code Analysis updated at 2024-06-26T10:41:14Z

A library for building powerful interactive command lines.

Command-line Interface Development updated at 2024-06-26T10:30:15Z

A small library for extracting rich content from URLs.

Web Content Extracting updated at 2024-06-26T10:19:13Z


A Django content management system.

CMS updated at 2024-06-26T10:18:59Z

Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling toolkit.

Science updated at 2024-06-26T10:17:15Z

A financial data interface library, built for human beings!

Downloader updated at 2024-06-26T10:11:53Z


A Python native, OS native GUI toolkit.

GUI Development updated at 2024-06-26T10:08:52Z

Next generation Python Package Repository (PyPI).

Package Repositories updated at 2024-06-26T09:56:02Z

A multi-distribution package that handles early initialization of a cloud instance.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T09:51:43Z


Open Source Fast Scalable Machine Learning Platform.

Machine Learning updated at 2024-06-26T09:49:16Z

Pillow is the friendly [PIL](http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/) fork.

Image Processing updated at 2024-06-26T09:40:28Z


MindsDB is an open source AI layer for existing databases that allows you to effortlessly develop, train and deploy state-of-the-art machine learning models using standard queries.

Machine Learning updated at 2024-06-26T09:37:57Z


Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library.

Cryptography updated at 2024-06-26T09:32:52Z

Pdfminer.six is a community maintained fork of the original PDFMiner.

Specific Formats Processing updated at 2024-06-26T09:20:47Z

Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python.

HTML Manipulation updated at 2024-06-26T09:05:09Z


A radically simple IT automation platform.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-26T08:51:46Z


Statistical data visualization using Matplotlib.

Data Visualization updated at 2024-06-26T08:47:49Z

Authentication app for Django that "just works."

Authentication updated at 2024-06-26T08:30:05Z

A modern workflow orchestration framework that makes it easy to build, schedule and monitor robust data pipelines.

Job Scheduler updated at 2024-06-26T08:16:32Z


A Python library for symbolic mathematics.

Science updated at 2024-06-26T08:07:58Z

Pytype checks and infers types for Python code - without requiring type annotations.

Code Analysis updated at 2024-06-26T08:01:25Z

A fully customizable source code analyzer.

Code Analysis updated at 2024-06-26T07:56:15Z

Data validation using Python type hints.

Data Validation updated at 2024-06-26T07:39:48Z

Open Source Python IDE.

Editor Plugins and IDEs updated at 2024-06-26T07:36:17Z

Performant type checking.

Code Analysis updated at 2024-06-26T07:27:59Z


Scalable user load testing tool written in Python.

Testing updated at 2024-06-26T07:22:31Z

A Python 2D plotting library.

Data Visualization updated at 2024-06-26T07:17:41Z


Check variable types during compile time.

Code Analysis updated at 2024-06-26T07:04:05Z


Optimizing Static Compiler for Python.

Implementations updated at 2024-06-26T06:55:33Z

A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation.

Caching updated at 2024-06-26T06:32:45Z

A library and command-line utility for rendering projects templates.

Command-line Tools updated at 2024-06-26T06:19:29Z

All Algorithms implemented in Python.

Algorithms and Design Patterns updated at 2024-06-26T06:06:57Z


Python interface to Amazon Web Services.

Third-party APIs updated at 2024-06-26T05:21:18Z

The Stanford NLP Group's official Python library, supporting 60+ languages.

Natural Language Processing updated at 2024-06-26T04:26:28Z

The most popular PostgreSQL adapter for Python.

Database Drivers updated at 2024-06-26T03:23:38Z

A cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python.

GUI Development updated at 2024-06-26T02:43:05Z

Python bindings for [MagickWand](http://www.imagemagick.org/script/magick-wand.php), C API for ImageMagick.

Image Processing updated at 2024-06-26T02:22:55Z


A high-level neural networks library and capable of running on top of either TensorFlow or Theano.

Deep Learning updated at 2024-06-26T02:21:07Z

A friendly library for async concurrency and I/O.

Asynchronous Programming updated at 2024-06-26T02:08:25Z

A modern, fast, web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.

RESTful API updated at 2024-06-26T01:52:21Z

The async Python driver for MongoDB.

Database Drivers updated at 2024-06-26T00:40:09Z

A Python data validation library.

Data Validation updated at 2024-06-26T00:12:22Z


A music library manager and [MusicBrainz](https://musicbrainz.org/) tagger.

Audio updated at 2024-06-26T00:12:07Z

Simple tagging for Django.

Tagging updated at 2024-06-26T00:05:34Z

Epydoc replacement to auto generate API documentation for Python libraries.

Documentation updated at 2024-06-25T23:52:08Z

A feature-rich event management system, made @ [CERN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CERN).

CMS updated at 2024-06-25T23:38:11Z

The official Python client for MongoDB.

Database Drivers updated at 2024-06-25T23:17:46Z

The admin panel your servers deserve.

Admin Panels updated at 2024-06-25T21:24:33Z

Hypothesis is an advanced Quickcheck style property based testing library.

Testing updated at 2024-06-25T20:45:06Z

Freezes Python scripts (Mac OS X).

Distribution updated at 2024-06-25T20:27:47Z

Simple and extensible administrative interface framework for Flask.

Admin Panels updated at 2024-06-25T20:21:39Z

A Python wrapper around [RapidJSON](https://github.com/Tencent/rapidjson).

Serialization updated at 2024-06-25T19:53:24Z

A web framework and asynchronous networking library.

Web Frameworks updated at 2024-06-25T18:24:41Z

Pandas on AWS.

Data Analysis updated at 2024-06-25T17:44:33Z


Interactive Web Plotting for Python.

Data Visualization updated at 2024-06-25T17:33:04Z

Statistical modeling and econometrics in Python.

Science updated at 2024-06-25T17:31:00Z

A set of type-safe monads, transformers, and composition utilities.

Functional Programming updated at 2024-06-25T16:00:52Z

Cross-vendor API to manipulate network devices.

Network Virtualization updated at 2024-06-25T15:55:40Z


The uncompromising Python code formatter.

Code Analysis updated at 2024-06-25T15:42:07Z

Converts Python programs into stand-alone executables (cross-platform).

Distribution updated at 2024-06-25T15:28:48Z

A fast and reliable background task processing library for Python 3.

Task Queues updated at 2024-06-25T15:28:39Z

Open source tool for testing web applications.

Testing updated at 2024-06-25T14:23:42Z


A software construction tool.

Build Tools updated at 2024-06-25T14:04:53Z

Interactive and realtime 2D/3D/Image plotting and science/engineering widgets.

Data Visualization updated at 2024-06-25T13:54:37Z

A versatile CLI tools and python libraries to automate infrastructure.

DevOps Tools updated at 2024-06-25T13:45:05Z

This is a compilation of various robotics algorithms with visualizations.

Robotics updated at 2024-06-25T13:12:57Z

Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax.

Static Site Generator updated at 2024-06-25T13:07:41Z

A mail hosting and management platform including a modern Web UI.

Email updated at 2024-06-25T12:59:29Z

Google Spreadsheets Python API.

Third-party APIs updated at 2024-06-25T12:44:04Z

A make-like build tool for embedded Linux.

Build Tools updated at 2024-06-25T10:52:17Z


Python JIT compiler to LLVM aimed at scientific Python.

Implementations updated at 2024-06-25T10:45:26Z

is a Python library that help you generate fake data.

Testing updated at 2024-06-25T10:18:34Z


A fancy and practical functional tools.

Functional Programming updated at 2024-06-25T09:49:47Z


Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal. Also provides a great `RichHandler` log handler.

Command-line Interface Development updated at 2024-06-25T09:00:50Z

Diagram as Code.

Data Visualization updated at 2024-06-25T08:23:44Z

A Django app that provides a country field for models and forms.

Geolocation updated at 2024-06-25T08:05:21Z

A set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh.

Package Management updated at 2024-06-25T08:02:56Z

A library capable of splitting, merging and transforming PDF pages.

Specific Formats Processing updated at 2024-06-25T08:00:29Z

PyPI server and packaging/testing/release tool.

Package Repositories updated at 2024-06-25T07:57:01Z

A tool for automatic property-based testing of web applications built with Open API / Swagger specifications.

Testing updated at 2024-06-25T07:54:01Z

Google APIs Client Library for Python.

Third-party APIs updated at 2024-06-25T07:35:15Z