
Highly customizable administration panel for Phoenix LiveView applications. ([Docs](https://hexdocs.pm/backpex/), [Demo](https://backpex.live/)).

Framework Components updated at 2024-06-26T11:51:15Z

AtomVM allows to run Elixir/Erlang code on embedded devices such as ESP32 and STM32 microcontrollers.

Miscellaneous updated at 2024-06-26T11:49:11Z

Open-source VPN server and egress firewall for Linux built on WireGuard. Firezone is easy to set up (all dependencies are bundled thanks to Chef Omnibus), secure, performant, and self hostable.

Networking updated at 2024-06-26T11:42:56Z

The project repository.

Websites updated at 2024-06-26T11:29:01Z

AWS client, supporting Dynamo, Kinesis, Lambda, SQS, and S3.

Cloud Infrastructure and Management updated at 2024-06-26T10:44:06Z

Elixir wrapper for Erlang `crypto` and `public_key` modules. Provides sensible defaults for many crypto functions to make them easier to use.([Docs](https://hexdocs.pm/ex_crypto/readme.html)).

Cryptography updated at 2024-06-26T10:13:12Z

PostgreSQL driver for Elixir.

ORM and Datamapping updated at 2024-06-26T09:22:33Z

The official [AppSignal](https://appsignal.com/) package for Elixir.

Errors and Exception Handling updated at 2024-06-26T08:49:51Z

Flexible test factories for Elixir. Works out of the box with Ecto and Ecto associations.

Testing updated at 2024-06-26T08:17:07Z

An Elixir Library for [Stripe](https://stripe.com/).

Third Party APIs updated at 2024-06-26T08:09:48Z

An Elixir library using [Eventstore](https://geteventstore.com) for persistence of events generated by aggregates (CQRS).

ORM and Datamapping updated at 2024-06-26T07:36:56Z


Faker is a pure Elixir library for generating fake data.

Testing updated at 2024-06-26T07:36:04Z

A project that will render your data models into [JSONAPI Documents](http://jsonapi.org/format/).

JSON updated at 2024-06-26T06:34:17Z

Composable, testable and adapter based email library. Out of the box support for rendering with Phoenix and a plug for previewing sent emails in dev.

Email updated at 2024-06-26T05:44:57Z

Helpers for paginating API responses with Scrivener and HTTP headers.

Framework Components updated at 2024-06-26T05:44:52Z

Elixir client for the [Nu HTML Checker](https://validator.w3.org/nu/). Provides HTML, CSS, and SVG validation.

HTML updated at 2024-06-26T05:42:53Z

A database wrapper and language integrated query for Elixir.

ORM and Datamapping updated at 2024-06-26T05:34:32Z

A collaborative, real-time video fact-checking platform. ([Docs](https://captainfact.io/)).

Applications updated at 2024-06-26T05:19:36Z

A web-based document reader that connects to your cloud storage accounts using Phoenix/LiveView.

Applications updated at 2024-06-26T04:28:24Z

AWS clients for Elixir.

Cloud Infrastructure and Management updated at 2024-06-26T01:43:52Z

Elixir poliglot actors service mesh.

Actors updated at 2024-06-25T22:16:07Z

A collection of GIS functions for Elixir.

Geolocation updated at 2024-06-25T22:13:53Z

A mocking library for Erlang.

Testing updated at 2024-06-25T20:35:13Z

Robust asynchronous job processor powered by Elixir and modern PostgreSQL.

Queue updated at 2024-06-25T18:51:56Z

A client for Chrome's DevTools API to generate PDFs (HTML to PDF).

PDF updated at 2024-06-25T18:24:42Z


HTTP client library, with support for middleware and multiple adapters.

HTTP updated at 2024-06-25T18:23:56Z

CMS that runs changelog.com built with Phoenix 1.4.

Examples and funny stuff updated at 2024-06-25T18:21:22Z

Elixir Web Framework targeting full-featured, fault tolerant applications with realtime functionality.

Frameworks updated at 2024-06-25T17:58:52Z

A declarative, resource-oriented application framework for Elixir.

Frameworks updated at 2024-06-25T16:39:18Z

A specification and conveniences for composable modules in between web applications.

Framework Components updated at 2024-06-25T15:53:35Z

Mocks and explicit contracts for Elixir.

Testing updated at 2024-06-25T15:53:09Z

This repository contains all the client libraries to interact with Google APIs.

Third Party APIs updated at 2024-06-25T13:10:34Z

QUIC protocol erlang library.

QUIC updated at 2024-06-25T12:31:04Z

Add git hooks to Elixir projects.

Debugging updated at 2024-06-25T11:40:46Z

MSSQL / TDS Database driver for Elixir.

ORM and Datamapping updated at 2024-06-25T09:47:20Z

Pure elixir pool manager.

Actors updated at 2024-06-25T08:27:16Z

An alternative logger for Ecto queries that helps in debugging.

Logging updated at 2024-06-25T07:18:20Z


Portable 2D UI framework.

GUI updated at 2024-06-25T06:30:27Z

Kubernetes Elixir client with CRD support, multi-cluster support, pluggable auth, and configurable middleware.

Cloud Infrastructure and Management updated at 2024-06-25T06:23:59Z

The Elixir implementation of gRPC.

Protocols updated at 2024-06-24T22:08:59Z

An Elixir client for Chargebee API.

Third Party APIs updated at 2024-06-24T20:52:48Z

Phoenix.HTML functions for working with HTML strings and templates.

Framework Components updated at 2024-06-24T20:45:25Z

Library for writing NIFs for Erlang or Elixir safely in Rust. No segfaults.

Native Implemented Functions updated at 2024-06-24T20:30:34Z

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for Elixir.

Text and Numbers updated at 2024-06-24T18:24:49Z

Ecto types for the postgreSQL isn extension.

ORM and Datamapping updated at 2024-06-24T17:19:31Z

A comprehensive example/tutorial showing people how to use Ecto Types to transparently encrypt/decrypt data in a Phoenix 1.4 app.

Examples and funny stuff updated at 2024-06-24T16:39:04Z

The simplest way to add Google OAuth authentication ("Sign in with Google") to your Elixir/Phoenix app.

Authentication updated at 2024-06-24T16:37:59Z

A complete beginners step-by-step tutorial for building a Todo List from scratch in Phoenix `1.5.3`.

Examples and funny stuff updated at 2024-06-24T16:34:43Z

A step-by-step example/tutorial for building a Chat app in Phoenix for complete beginners. Covers testing, docs and deployment. Phoenix `1.5.3`.

Examples and funny stuff updated at 2024-06-24T16:29:04Z

complete beginners step-by-step tutorial building a real time counter in Phoenix `1.5.3` and LiveView `0.14.1`.

Examples and funny stuff updated at 2024-06-24T16:03:46Z


A static code analysis tool with a focus on code consistency and teaching Elixir. ([Docs](https://hexdocs.pm/credo/Credo.html)).

Code Analysis updated at 2024-06-24T15:48:17Z

Torch is a rapid admin generator for Phoenix apps. It uses generators rather than DSLs to ensure that the code remains maintainable.

Framework Components updated at 2024-06-24T15:22:59Z

The Official Elixir client for [Sentry](https://sentry.io/).

Errors and Exception Handling updated at 2024-06-24T15:11:11Z

An Elixir Authentication System for Plug-based Web Applications.

Authentication updated at 2024-06-24T15:01:02Z

Vim configuration files for Elixir.

Editors updated at 2024-06-24T13:47:53Z

A set of HEEX components that makes it easy for Phoenix developers to build beautiful web apps.

Frameworks updated at 2024-06-24T13:36:10Z

Allow you to make custom base conversion in Elixir.

Text and Numbers updated at 2024-06-24T13:15:35Z

Burner email (temporary address) detector.

Email updated at 2024-06-24T12:47:49Z

Framework for building firmware for platforms like Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black.

Hardware updated at 2024-06-24T12:36:52Z

A fast, flexible and extensible distributed and local caching library for Elixir.

Caching updated at 2024-06-24T11:22:20Z

Compose, deliver and test your Emails (with attachments!) easily in Elixir with adapters for SMTP, Sendgrid, Mandrill, Mailgun, Postmark and lots others, plus Phoenix integration with mailbox preview.

Email updated at 2024-06-24T11:07:20Z

Simple Elixir wrapper for the GitHub API.

Third Party APIs updated at 2024-06-24T10:01:04Z

A fast, stream based XML Sitemap generator.

Utilities updated at 2024-06-24T09:34:14Z

Internationalization and localization support for Elixir.

Translations and Internationalizations updated at 2024-06-24T09:13:45Z

A rate-limiter with pluggable storage backends, including Redis.

Miscellaneous updated at 2024-06-24T09:00:39Z

Kubernetes Operator Development Framework.

Cloud Infrastructure and Management updated at 2024-06-24T08:45:59Z

Cassandra driver built natively in Elixir and focused on speed, simplicity, and robustness.

ORM and Datamapping updated at 2024-06-24T06:44:29Z

An authentication framework for use with Elixir applications. ([Docs](https://hexdocs.pm/guardian/Guardian.html)).

Authentication updated at 2024-06-24T05:50:30Z

Exercism Exercises in Elixir.

Reading updated at 2024-06-24T01:01:50Z

Hex.pm plugin for rebar3.

Package Management updated at 2024-06-23T18:06:58Z

Integrated certification via Let's encrypt for Elixir-powered sites.

Security updated at 2024-06-23T17:12:14Z

HTTP request/response recording library for Elixir, inspired by VCR.

HTTP updated at 2024-06-23T09:58:15Z

A parameter validation library for LiveViews and JSON/HTML controllers - based on Ecto.

Validations updated at 2024-06-22T11:07:52Z

Base62 encoder/decoder in pure Elixir.

Text and Numbers updated at 2024-06-22T09:23:58Z

Beaver is a LLVM/MLIR Toolkit in Elixir and Zig.

Artificial Intelligence updated at 2024-06-22T05:01:08Z

A small, full-text search library for use in the Elixir environment.

Search updated at 2024-06-21T23:26:19Z

Bypass provides a quick way to create a mock HTTP server with a custom plug.

Testing updated at 2024-06-21T18:35:34Z

PostgreSQL Change Data Capture (CDC) events listener in Elixir.

ORM and Datamapping updated at 2024-06-21T16:15:48Z


A simple HTML parser that enables searching using CSS like selectors.

HTML updated at 2024-06-21T16:14:15Z

A time- and memory-efficient unordered data structure for positive integers.

Code Analysis updated at 2024-06-21T14:42:17Z

An HTML DSL for Elixir and Phoenix.

Templating updated at 2024-06-21T14:24:27Z

Feature flipping for the Elixir world.

Feature Flags and Toggles updated at 2024-06-21T13:22:31Z

Concurrent and multi-stage data ingestion and data processing with Elixir.

Queue updated at 2024-06-21T10:37:36Z

Elixir implementation for Protocol Buffers.

Protocols updated at 2024-06-21T08:49:01Z

ExDoc is a tool to generate documentation for your Elixir projects.

Documentation updated at 2024-06-21T08:03:25Z

Automatically creates slugs for your Ecto models.

Miscellaneous updated at 2024-06-21T07:25:16Z

Allows implementation of Time-based One-Time Passwords (TOTP) for 2FA.

Cryptography updated at 2024-06-21T06:51:50Z

Apache Druid client for Elixir.

ORM and Datamapping updated at 2024-06-21T04:48:11Z

An Elixir SDK implementation for the Microsoft Azure Speech Service.

Miscellaneous updated at 2024-06-21T02:52:54Z

Automates semantic release versioning and best practices for elixir packages.

Release Management updated at 2024-06-21T02:47:07Z

ABNF in and parser out.

Lexical analysis updated at 2024-06-21T00:40:21Z

Wraps `:queue`, with improved API and `Inspect`, `Collectable` and `Enumerable` protocol implementations.

Algorithms and Data structures updated at 2024-06-21T00:40:06Z

Plug for handling the conversion of JSON API keys to different cases.

REST and API updated at 2024-06-21T00:30:32Z

LexLuthor is a Lexer in Elixir which uses macros to generate a reusable lexers.

Lexical analysis updated at 2024-06-20T23:26:19Z

Query locations for elevation data from the NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission.

Geolocation updated at 2024-06-20T21:50:13Z

A Fast, Secure and Reliable Terraform Backend, Set up in Minutes.

Applications updated at 2024-06-20T21:05:36Z

Assertions that know how to update themselves, otherwise known as snapshot or approval testing.

Testing updated at 2024-06-20T20:00:11Z

ExGuard is a mix command to handle events on file system modifications.

Files and Directories updated at 2024-06-20T16:30:20Z

Error logging to [Honeybadger](https://www.honeybadger.io/).

Logging updated at 2024-06-20T16:17:47Z

A Microsoft strategy for Überauth.

Authentication updated at 2024-06-20T15:50:12Z