

A command line and config file parser for DLang


A command line and config file parser for DLang

Quick Example

import args : Arg, Optional, parseArgsWithConfigFile, printArgsHelp;

static struct MyOptions {
	@Arg("the input file", Optional.yes) string inputFilename;
	@Arg("test values", 't') int[] testValues;
	@Arg("Enable feature") bool enableFeature;

MyOptions getOptions(ref string[] args) {
	MyOptions options;

	bool helpWanted = parseArgsWithConfigFile(options, args);

	if (helpWanted) {
		printArgsHelp(options, "A text explaining the program");
	return options;

void main(string[] args) {
	const options = getOptions(args); // or args.dup to keep the original args

	// use options here....

This gives:

❯ ./quick_example --help
A text explaining the program
     --inputFilename   Type: dchar[]   default:        Help: the input file
-t   --testValues      Type: int[]     default: []     Help: test values
     --enableFeature   Type: bool      default: false  Help: Enable feature


  • coming soon...