

Easy to use OpenID Connect client and server library written for Go and certified by the OpenID Foundation

What Is It

This project is an easy-to-use client (RP) and server (OP) implementation for the OIDC (OpenID Connect) standard written for Go.

The RP is certified for the basic and config profile.

Whenever possible we tried to reuse / extend existing packages like OAuth2 for Go.

Basic Overview

The most important packages of the library:


/client            clients using the OP for retrieving, exchanging and verifying tokens       
    /rp            definition and implementation of an OIDC Relying Party (client)
    /rs            definition and implementation of an OAuth Resource Server (API)
/op                definition and implementation of an OIDC OpenID Provider (server)
/oidc              definitions shared by clients and server


/client/api        example of an api / resource server implementation using token introspection
/client/app        web app / RP demonstrating authorization code flow using various authentication methods (code, PKCE, JWT profile)
/client/github     example of the extended OAuth2 library, providing an HTTP client with a reuse token source
/client/service    demonstration of JWT Profile Authorization Grant
/server            examples of an OpenID Provider implementations (including dynamic) with some very basic login UI


This package uses semver for releases. Major releases ship breaking changes. Starting with the v2 to v3 increment we provide an upgrade guide to ease migration to a newer version.

How To Use It

Check the /example folder where example code for different scenarios is located.

# start oidc op server
# oidc discovery http://localhost:9998/.well-known/openid-configuration
go run github.com/zitadel/oidc/v3/example/server
# start oidc web client (in a new terminal)
CLIENT_ID=web CLIENT_SECRET=secret ISSUER=http://localhost:9998/ SCOPES="openid profile" PORT=9999 go run github.com/zitadel/oidc/v3/example/client/app
  • open http://localhost:9999/login in your browser
  • you will be redirected to op server and the login UI
  • login with user test-user@localhost and password verysecure
  • the OP will redirect you to the client app, which displays the user info

for the dynamic issuer, just start it with:

go run github.com/zitadel/oidc/v3/example/server/dynamic

the oidc web client above will still work, but if you add oidc.local (pointing to in your hosts file you can also start it with:

CLIENT_ID=web CLIENT_SECRET=secret ISSUER=http://oidc.local:9998/ SCOPES="openid profile" PORT=9999 go run github.com/zitadel/oidc/v3/example/client/app

Note: Usernames are suffixed with the hostname (test-user@localhost or test-user@oidc.local)


Relying party OpenID Provider Specification
Code Flow yes yes OpenID Connect Core 1.0, Section 3.1
Implicit Flow no[^1] yes OpenID Connect Core 1.0, Section 3.2
Hybrid Flow no not yet OpenID Connect Core 1.0, Section 3.3
Client Credentials yes yes OpenID Connect Core 1.0, Section 9
Refresh Token yes yes OpenID Connect Core 1.0, Section 12
Discovery yes yes OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0
JWT Profile yes yes RFC 7523
PKCE yes yes RFC 7636
Token Exchange yes yes RFC 8693
Device Authorization yes yes RFC 8628
mTLS not yet not yet RFC 8705


Screen with contributors' avatars from contrib.rocks

Made with contrib.rocks.


For your convenience you can find the relevant guides linked below.

Why another library

As of 2020 there are not a lot of OIDC library’s in Go which can handle server and client implementations. ZITADEL is strongly committed to the general field of IAM (Identity and Access Management) and as such, we need solid frameworks to implement services.



  • coming soon...