

A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript.


The docs cover all aspects of using k6. Some highlights include:

  • Get Started. Install, run a test, inspect results.
  • HTTP requests. Have your virtual users use HTTP methods. Or, check the other Protocols.
  • Thresholds. Set goals for your test, and codify your SLOs.
  • Options. Configure your load, duration, TLS certificates, and much, much more.
  • Scenarios. Choose how to model your workload: open models, closed models, constant RPS, fixed iterations, and more.
  • Results output. Study, filter, and export your test results.
  • JavaScript API. Reference and examples of all k6 modules.
  • Extensions. Extend k6 for new protocols and use cases.

These links barely scratch the surface! If you’re looking for conceptual information, you can read about Test types, Test strategies, or one of the many informative Blog posts.


  • coming soon...