

A distributed tracing system.

Get Involved

Jaeger is an open source project with open governance. We welcome contributions from the community, and we would love your help to improve and extend the project. Here are some ideas for how to get involved. Many of them do not even require any coding.


Modern Web UI

Jaeger Web UI is implemented in Javascript using popular open source frameworks like React. Several performance improvements have been released in v1.0 to allow the UI to efficiently deal with large volumes of data and to display traces with tens of thousands of spans (e.g. we tried a trace with 80,000 spans).


Third-party security audits of Jaeger are available in https://github.com/jaegertracing/security-audits. Please see Issue #1718 for the summary of available security mechanisms in Jaeger.

Backwards compatibility with Zipkin

Although we recommend instrumenting applications with OpenTelemetry, if your organization has already invested in the instrumentation using Zipkin libraries, you do not have to rewrite all that code. Jaeger provides backwards compatibility with Zipkin by accepting spans in Zipkin formats (Thrift or JSON v1/v2) over HTTP. Switching from Zipkin backend is just a matter of routing the traffic from Zipkin libraries to the Jaeger backend.


Instrumentation Libraries

Jaeger project recommends OpenTelemetry SDKs for instrumentation, instead of Jaeger’s native SDKs that are now deprecated.




Rules for becoming a maintainer are defined in the GOVERNANCE document. Below are the official maintainers of the Jaeger project. Please use @jaegertracing/jaeger-maintainers to tag them on issues / PRs.

Some repositories under jaegertracing org have additional maintainers.

Emeritus Maintainers

We are grateful to our former maintainers for their contributions to the Jaeger project.

Project Status Meetings

The Jaeger maintainers and contributors meet regularly on a video call. Everyone is welcome to join, including end users. For meeting details, see https://www.jaegertracing.io/get-in-touch/.


See https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/roadmap/

Get in Touch

Have questions, suggestions, bug reports? Reach the project community via these channels:


  • coming soon...