

Automated service health dashboard.

Why Gatus?

Before getting into the specifics, I want to address the most common question:

Why would I use Gatus when I can just use Prometheus’ Alertmanager, Cloudwatch or even Splunk?

Neither of these can tell you that there’s a problem if there are no clients actively calling the endpoint. In other words, it’s because monitoring metrics mostly rely on existing traffic, which effectively means that unless your clients are already experiencing a problem, you won’t be notified.

Gatus, on the other hand, allows you to configure health checks for each of your features, which in turn allows it to monitor these features and potentially alert you before any clients are impacted.

A sign you may want to look into Gatus is by simply asking yourself whether you’d receive an alert if your load balancer was to go down right now. Will any of your existing alerts be triggered? Your metrics won’t report an increase in errors if no traffic makes it to your applications. This puts you in a situation where your clients are the ones that will notify you about the degradation of your services rather than you reassuring them that you’re working on fixing the issue before they even know about it.


Parameter Description Default
debug Whether to enable debug logs. false
metrics Whether to expose metrics at /metrics. false
storage Storage configuration. {}
alerting Alerting configuration. {}
endpoints Endpoints configuration. Required []
external-endpoints External Endpoints configuration. []
security Security configuration. {}
disable-monitoring-lock Whether to disable the monitoring lock. false
skip-invalid-config-update Whether to ignore invalid configuration update.
See Reloading configuration on the fly.
web Web configuration. {}
web.address Address to listen on.
web.port Port to listen on. 8080
web.read-buffer-size Buffer size for reading requests from a connection. Also limit for the maximum header size. 8192
web.tls.certificate-file Optional public certificate file for TLS in PEM format.
web.tls.private-key-file Optional private key file for TLS in PEM format.
ui UI configuration. {}
ui.title Title of the document. Health Dashboard ǀ Gatus
ui.description Meta description for the page. Gatus is an advanced....
ui.header Header at the top of the dashboard. Health Status
ui.logo URL to the logo to display. ""
ui.link Link to open when the logo is clicked. ""
ui.buttons List of buttons to display below the header. []
ui.buttons[].name Text to display on the button. Required ""
ui.buttons[].link Link to open when the button is clicked. Required ""
maintenance Maintenance configuration. {}


Endpoints are URLs, applications, or services that you want to monitor. Each endpoint has a list of conditions that are evaluated on an interval that you define. If any condition fails, the endpoint is considered as unhealthy. You can then configure alerts to be triggered when an endpoint is unhealthy once a certain threshold is reached.

Parameter Description Default
endpoints List of endpoints to monitor. Required []
endpoints[].enabled Whether to monitor the endpoint. true
endpoints[].name Name of the endpoint. Can be anything. Required ""
endpoints[].group Group name. Used to group multiple endpoints together on the dashboard.
See Endpoint groups.
endpoints[].url URL to send the request to. Required ""
endpoints[].method Request method. GET
endpoints[].conditions Conditions used to determine the health of the endpoint.
See Conditions.
endpoints[].interval Duration to wait between every status check. 60s
endpoints[].graphql Whether to wrap the body in a query param ({"query":"$body"}). false
endpoints[].body Request body. ""
endpoints[].headers Request headers. {}
endpoints[].dns Configuration for an endpoint of type DNS.
See Monitoring an endpoint using DNS queries.
endpoints[].dns.query-type Query type (e.g. MX). ""
endpoints[].dns.query-name Query name (e.g. example.com). ""
endpoints[].ssh Configuration for an endpoint of type SSH.
See Monitoring an endpoint using SSH.
endpoints[].ssh.username SSH username (e.g. example). Required ""
endpoints[].ssh.password SSH password (e.g. password). Required ""
endpoints[].alerts List of all alerts for a given endpoint.
See Alerting.
endpoints[].client Client configuration. {}
endpoints[].ui UI configuration at the endpoint level. {}
endpoints[].ui.hide-conditions Whether to hide conditions from the results. Note that this only hides conditions from results evaluated from the moment this was enabled. false
endpoints[].ui.hide-hostname Whether to hide the hostname in the result. false
endpoints[].ui.hide-url Whether to ensure the URL is not displayed in the results. Useful if the URL contains a token. false
endpoints[].ui.dont-resolve-failed-conditions Whether to resolve failed conditions for the UI. false
endpoints[].ui.badge.reponse-time List of response time thresholds. Each time a threshold is reached, the badge has a different color. [50, 200, 300, 500, 750]


Here are some examples of conditions you can use:

Condition Description Passing values Failing values
[STATUS] == 200 Status must be equal to 200 200 201, 404, …
[STATUS] < 300 Status must lower than 300 200, 201, 299 301, 302, …
[STATUS] <= 299 Status must be less than or equal to 299 200, 201, 299 301, 302, …
[STATUS] > 400 Status must be greater than 400 401, 402, 403, 404 400, 200, …
[STATUS] == any(200, 429) Status must be either 200 or 429 200, 429 201, 400, …
[CONNECTED] == true Connection to host must’ve been successful true false
[RESPONSE_TIME] < 500 Response time must be below 500ms 100ms, 200ms, 300ms 500ms, 501ms
[IP] == Target IP must be
[BODY] == 1 The body must be equal to 1 1 {}, 2, …
[BODY].user.name == john JSONPath value of $.user.name is equal to john {"user":{"name":"john"}}
[BODY].data[0].id == 1 JSONPath value of $.data[0].id is equal to 1 {"data":[{"id":1}]}
[BODY].age == [BODY].id JSONPath value of $.age is equal JSONPath $.id {"age":1,"id":1}
len([BODY].data) < 5 Array at JSONPath $.data has less than 5 elements {"data":[{"id":1}]}
len([BODY].name) == 8 String at JSONPath $.name has a length of 8 {"name":"john.doe"} {"name":"bob"}
has([BODY].errors) == false JSONPath $.errors does not exist {"name":"john.doe"} {"errors":[]}
has([BODY].users) == true JSONPath $.users exists {"users":[]} {}
[BODY].name == pat(john*) String at JSONPath $.name matches pattern john* {"name":"john.doe"} {"name":"bob"}
[BODY].id == any(1, 2) Value at JSONPath $.id is equal to 1 or 2 1, 2 3, 4, 5
[CERTIFICATE_EXPIRATION] > 48h Certificate expiration is more than 48h away 49h, 50h, 123h 1h, 24h, …
[DOMAIN_EXPIRATION] > 720h The domain must expire in more than 720h 4000h 1h, 24h, …


Function Description Example
len If the given path leads to an array, returns its length. Otherwise, the JSON at the given path is minified and converted to a string, and the resulting number of characters is returned. Works only with the [BODY] placeholder. len([BODY].username) > 8
has Returns true or false based on whether a given path is valid. Works only with the [BODY] placeholder. has([BODY].errors) == false
pat Specifies that the string passed as parameter should be evaluated as a pattern. Works only with == and !=. [IP] == pat(192.168.*)
any Specifies that any one of the values passed as parameters is a valid value. Works only with == and !=. [BODY].ip == any(, ::1)

💡 Use pat only when you need to. [STATUS] == pat(2*) is a lot more expensive than [STATUS] < 300.

Note that this is the default value, and you can omit the storage configuration altogether to achieve the same result.

Because the data is stored in memory, the data will not survive a restart.

storage: type: memory

- If `storage.type` is `sqlite`, `storage.path` must not be blank:
  type: sqlite
  path: data.db

See examples/docker-compose-sqlite-storage for an example.

  • If storage.type is postgres, storage.path must be the connection URL:
  type: postgres
  path: "postgres://user:password@"

See examples/docker-compose-postgres-storage for an example.

Configuring Discord alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.discord Configuration for alerts of type discord {}
alerting.discord.webhook-url Discord Webhook URL Required ""
alerting.discord.title Title of the notification ":helmet_with_white_cross: Gatus"
alerting.discord.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
alerting.discord.overrides List of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration []
alerting.discord.overrides[].group Endpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration ""
alerting.discord.overrides[].webhook-url Discord Webhook URL ""
    webhook-url: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/**********/**********"

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: discord
        description: "healthcheck failed"
        send-on-resolved: true

Configuring Email alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.email Configuration for alerts of type email {}
alerting.email.from Email used to send the alert Required ""
alerting.email.username Username of the SMTP server used to send the alert. If empty, uses alerting.email.from. ""
alerting.email.password Password of the SMTP server used to send the alert. If empty, no authentication is performed. ""
alerting.email.host Host of the mail server (e.g. smtp.gmail.com) Required ""
alerting.email.port Port the mail server is listening to (e.g. 587) Required 0
alerting.email.to Email(s) to send the alerts to Required ""
alerting.email.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
alerting.email.client.insecure Whether to skip TLS verification false
alerting.email.overrides List of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration []
alerting.email.overrides[].group Endpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration ""
alerting.email.overrides[].to Email(s) to send the alerts to ""
    from: "from@example.com"
    username: "from@example.com"
    password: "hunter2"
    host: "mail.example.com"
    port: 587
    to: "recipient1@example.com,recipient2@example.com"
      insecure: false
    # You can also add group-specific to keys, which will
    # override the to key above for the specified groups
      - group: "core"
        to: "recipient3@example.com,recipient4@example.com"

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: email
        description: "healthcheck failed"
        send-on-resolved: true

  - name: back-end
    group: core
    url: "https://example.org/"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - type: email
        description: "healthcheck failed"
        send-on-resolved: true

⚠ Some mail servers are painfully slow.

Configuring GitHub alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.github Configuration for alerts of type github {}
alerting.github.repository-url GitHub repository URL (e.g. https://github.com/TwiN/example) Required ""
alerting.github.token Personal access token to use for authentication.
Must have at least RW on issues and RO on metadata.
Required ""
alerting.github.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert.

The GitHub alerting provider creates an issue prefixed with alert(gatus): and suffixed with the endpoint’s display name for each alert. If send-on-resolved is set to true on the endpoint alert, the issue will be automatically closed when the alert is resolved.

    repository-url: "https://github.com/TwiN/test"
    token: "github_pat_12345..."

  - name: example
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 75"
      - type: github
        failure-threshold: 2
        success-threshold: 3
        send-on-resolved: true
        description: "Everything's burning AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

GitHub alert

Configuring GitLab alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.gitlab Configuration for alerts of type gitlab {}
alerting.gitlab.webhook-url GitLab alert webhook URL (e.g. https://gitlab.com/yourusername/example/alerts/notify/gatus/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.json) Required ""
alerting.gitlab.authorization-key GitLab alert authorization key. Required ""
alerting.gitlab.severity Override default severity (critical), can be one of critical, high, medium, low, info, unknown ""
alerting.gitlab.monitoring-tool Override the monitoring tool name (gatus) "gatus"
alerting.gitlab.environment-name Set gitlab environment’s name. Required to display alerts on a dashboard. ""
alerting.gitlab.service Override endpoint display name ""
alerting.gitlab.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert.

The GitLab alerting provider creates an alert prefixed with alert(gatus): and suffixed with the endpoint’s display name for each alert. If send-on-resolved is set to true on the endpoint alert, the alert will be automatically closed when the alert is resolved. See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/operations/incident_management/integrations.html#configuration to configure the endpoint.

    webhook-url: "https://gitlab.com/hlidotbe/example/alerts/notify/gatus/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.json"
    authorization-key: "12345"

  - name: example
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 75"
      - type: gitlab
        failure-threshold: 2
        success-threshold: 3
        send-on-resolved: true
        description: "Everything's burning AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

GitLab alert

Configuring Google Chat alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.googlechat Configuration for alerts of type googlechat {}
alerting.googlechat.webhook-url Google Chat Webhook URL Required ""
alerting.googlechat.client Client configuration.
See Client configuration.
alerting.googlechat.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert.
alerting.googlechat.overrides List of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration []
alerting.googlechat.overrides[].group Endpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration ""
alerting.googlechat.overrides[].webhook-url Google Chat Webhook URL ""
    webhook-url: "https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/*******/messages?key=**********&token=********"

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: googlechat
        description: "healthcheck failed"
        send-on-resolved: true

Configuring Gotify alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.gotify Configuration for alerts of type gotify {}
alerting.gotify.server-url Gotify server URL Required ""
alerting.gotify.token Token that is used for authentication. Required ""
alerting.gotify.priority Priority of the alert according to Gotify standards. 5
alerting.gotify.title Title of the notification "Gatus: <endpoint>"
alerting.gotify.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert.
    server-url: "https://gotify.example"
    token: "**************"

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: gotify
        description: "healthcheck failed"
        send-on-resolved: true

Here’s an example of what the notifications look like:

Gotify notifications

Configuring JetBrains Space alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.jetbrainsspace Configuration for alerts of type jetbrainsspace {}
alerting.jetbrainsspace.project JetBrains Space project name Required ""
alerting.jetbrainsspace.channel-id JetBrains Space Chat Channel ID Required ""
alerting.jetbrainsspace.token Token that is used for authentication. Required ""
alerting.jetbrainsspace.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
alerting.jetbrainsspace.overrides List of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration []
alerting.jetbrainsspace.overrides[].group Endpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration ""
    project: myproject
    channel-id: ABCDE12345
    token: "**************"

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - type: jetbrainsspace
        description: "healthcheck failed"
        send-on-resolved: true

Here’s an example of what the notifications look like:

JetBrains Space notifications

Configuring Matrix alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.matrix Configuration for alerts of type matrix {}
alerting.matrix.server-url Homeserver URL https://matrix-client.matrix.org
alerting.matrix.access-token Bot user access token (see https://webapps.stackexchange.com/q/131056) Required ""
alerting.matrix.internal-room-id Internal room ID of room to send alerts to (can be found in Room Settings > Advanced) Required ""
alerting.matrix.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
    server-url: "https://matrix-client.matrix.org"
    access-token: "123456"
    internal-room-id: "!example:matrix.org"

  - name: website
    interval: 5m
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: matrix
        send-on-resolved: true
        description: "healthcheck failed"

Configuring Mattermost alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.mattermost Configuration for alerts of type mattermost {}
alerting.mattermost.webhook-url Mattermost Webhook URL Required ""
alerting.mattermost.client Client configuration.
See Client configuration.
alerting.mattermost.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert.
alerting.mattermost.overrides List of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration []
alerting.mattermost.overrides[].group Endpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration ""
alerting.mattermist.overrides[].webhook-url Mattermost Webhook URL ""
    webhook-url: "http://**********/hooks/**********"
      insecure: true

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: mattermost
        description: "healthcheck failed"
        send-on-resolved: true

Here’s an example of what the notifications look like:

Mattermost notifications

Configuring Messagebird alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.messagebird Configuration for alerts of type messagebird {}
alerting.messagebird.access-key Messagebird access key Required ""
alerting.messagebird.originator The sender of the message Required ""
alerting.messagebird.recipients The recipients of the message Required ""
alerting.messagebird.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert

Example of sending SMS text message alert using Messagebird:

    access-key: "..."
    originator: "31619191918"
    recipients: "31619191919,31619191920"

  - name: website
    interval: 5m
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: messagebird
        failure-threshold: 3
        send-on-resolved: true
        description: "healthcheck failed"

Configuring Ntfy alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.ntfy Configuration for alerts of type ntfy {}
alerting.ntfy.topic Topic at which the alert will be sent Required ""
alerting.ntfy.url The URL of the target server https://ntfy.sh
alerting.ntfy.token Access token for restricted topics ""
alerting.ntfy.priority The priority of the alert 3
alerting.ntfy.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert

ntfy is an amazing project that allows you to subscribe to desktop and mobile notifications, making it an awesome addition to Gatus.


    topic: "gatus-test-topic"
    priority: 2
    token: faketoken
      failure-threshold: 3
      send-on-resolved: true

  - name: website
    interval: 5m
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: ntfy

Configuring Opsgenie alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.opsgenie Configuration for alerts of type opsgenie {}
alerting.opsgenie.api-key Opsgenie API Key Required ""
alerting.opsgenie.priority Priority level of the alert. P1
alerting.opsgenie.source Source field of the alert. gatus
alerting.opsgenie.entity-prefix Entity field prefix. gatus-
alerting.opsgenie.alias-prefix Alias field prefix. gatus-healthcheck-
alerting.opsgenie.tags Tags of alert. []
alerting.opsgenie.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert

Opsgenie provider will automatically open and close alerts.

    api-key: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Configuring PagerDuty alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.pagerduty Configuration for alerts of type pagerduty {}
alerting.pagerduty.integration-key PagerDuty Events API v2 integration key ""
alerting.pagerduty.overrides List of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration []
alerting.pagerduty.overrides[].group Endpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration ""
alerting.pagerduty.overrides[].integration-key PagerDuty Events API v2 integration key ""
alerting.pagerduty.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert

It is highly recommended to set endpoints[].alerts[].send-on-resolved to true for alerts of type pagerduty, because unlike other alerts, the operation resulting from setting said parameter to true will not create another incident but mark the incident as resolved on PagerDuty instead.


  • By default, alerting.pagerduty.integration-key is used as the integration key
  • If the endpoint being evaluated belongs to a group (endpoints[].group) matching the value of alerting.pagerduty.overrides[].group, the provider will use that override’s integration key instead of alerting.pagerduty.integration-key’s
    integration-key: "********************************"
    # You can also add group-specific integration keys, which will
    # override the integration key above for the specified groups
      - group: "core"
        integration-key: "********************************"

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 30s
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: pagerduty
        failure-threshold: 3
        success-threshold: 5
        send-on-resolved: true
        description: "healthcheck failed"

  - name: back-end
    group: core
    url: "https://example.org/"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - type: pagerduty
        failure-threshold: 3
        success-threshold: 5
        send-on-resolved: true
        description: "healthcheck failed"

Configuring Pushover alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.pushover Configuration for alerts of type pushover {}
alerting.pushover.application-token Pushover application token ""
alerting.pushover.user-key User or group key ""
alerting.pushover.title Fixed title for all messages sent via Pushover Name of your App in Pushover
alerting.pushover.priority Priority of all messages, ranging from -2 (very low) to 2 (emergency) 0
alerting.pushover.sound Sound of all messages
See sounds for all valid choices.
alerting.pushover.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
    application-token: "******************************"
    user-key: "******************************"

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 30s
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: pushover
        failure-threshold: 3
        success-threshold: 5
        send-on-resolved: true
        description: "healthcheck failed"

Configuring Slack alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.slack Configuration for alerts of type slack {}
alerting.slack.webhook-url Slack Webhook URL Required ""
alerting.slack.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
alerting.slack.overrides List of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration []
alerting.slack.overrides[].group Endpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration ""
alerting.slack.overrides[].webhook-url Slack Webhook URL ""
    webhook-url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/**********/**********/**********"

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 30s
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: slack
        description: "healthcheck failed 3 times in a row"
        send-on-resolved: true
      - type: slack
        failure-threshold: 5
        description: "healthcheck failed 5 times in a row"
        send-on-resolved: true

Here’s an example of what the notifications look like:

Slack notifications

Configuring Teams alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.teams Configuration for alerts of type teams {}
alerting.teams.webhook-url Teams Webhook URL Required ""
alerting.teams.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
alerting.teams.overrides List of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration []
alerting.teams.title Title of the notification "&#x1F6A8; Gatus"
alerting.teams.overrides[].group Endpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration ""
alerting.teams.overrides[].webhook-url Teams Webhook URL ""
    webhook-url: "https://********.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/************"
    # You can also add group-specific to keys, which will
    # override the to key above for the specified groups
      - group: "core"
        webhook-url: "https://********.webhook.office.com/webhookb3/************"

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 30s
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: teams
        description: "healthcheck failed"
        send-on-resolved: true

  - name: back-end
    group: core
    url: "https://example.org/"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - type: teams
        description: "healthcheck failed"
        send-on-resolved: true

Here’s an example of what the notifications look like:

Teams notifications

Configuring Telegram alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.telegram Configuration for alerts of type telegram {}
alerting.telegram.token Telegram Bot Token Required ""
alerting.telegram.id Telegram User ID Required ""
alerting.telegram.api-url Telegram API URL https://api.telegram.org
alerting.telegram.client Client configuration.
See Client configuration.
alerting.telegram.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
    token: "123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11"
    id: "0123456789"

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 30s
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - type: telegram
        send-on-resolved: true

Here’s an example of what the notifications look like:

Telegram notifications

Configuring Twilio alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.twilio Settings for alerts of type twilio {}
alerting.twilio.sid Twilio account SID Required ""
alerting.twilio.token Twilio auth token Required ""
alerting.twilio.from Number to send Twilio alerts from Required ""
alerting.twilio.to Number to send twilio alerts to Required ""
alerting.twilio.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
    sid: "..."
    token: "..."
    from: "+1-234-567-8901"
    to: "+1-234-567-8901"

  - name: website
    interval: 30s
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: twilio
        failure-threshold: 5
        send-on-resolved: true
        description: "healthcheck failed"

Configuring AWS SES alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.aws-ses Settings for alerts of type aws-ses {}
alerting.aws-ses.access-key-id AWS Access Key ID Optional ""
alerting.aws-ses.secret-access-key AWS Secret Access Key Optional ""
alerting.aws-ses.region AWS Region Required ""
alerting.aws-ses.from The Email address to send the emails from (should be registered in SES) Required ""
alerting.aws-ses.to Comma separated list of email address to notify Required ""
alerting.aws-ses.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
    access-key-id: "..."
    secret-access-key: "..."
    region: "us-east-1"
    from: "status@example.com"
    to: "user@example.com"

  - name: website
    interval: 30s
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: aws-ses
        failure-threshold: 5
        send-on-resolved: true
        description: "healthcheck failed"

If the access-key-id and secret-access-key are not defined Gatus will fall back to IAM authentication.

Make sure you have the ability to use ses:SendEmail.

Configuring custom alerts

Parameter Description Default
alerting.custom Configuration for custom actions on failure or alerts {}
alerting.custom.url Custom alerting request url Required ""
alerting.custom.method Request method GET
alerting.custom.body Custom alerting request body. ""
alerting.custom.headers Custom alerting request headers {}
alerting.custom.client Client configuration.
See Client configuration.
alerting.custom.default-alert Default alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert

While they’re called alerts, you can use this feature to call anything.

For instance, you could automate rollbacks by having an application that keeps tracks of new deployments, and by leveraging Gatus, you could have Gatus call that application endpoint when an endpoint starts failing. Your application would then check if the endpoint that started failing was part of the recently deployed application, and if it was, then automatically roll it back.

Furthermore, you may use the following placeholders in the body (alerting.custom.body) and in the url (alerting.custom.url):

  • [ALERT_DESCRIPTION] (resolved from endpoints[].alerts[].description)
  • [ENDPOINT_NAME] (resolved from endpoints[].name)
  • [ENDPOINT_GROUP] (resolved from endpoints[].group)
  • [ENDPOINT_URL] (resolved from endpoints[].url)

If you have an alert using the custom provider with send-on-resolved set to true, you can use the [ALERT_TRIGGERED_OR_RESOLVED] placeholder to differentiate the notifications. The aforementioned placeholder will be replaced by TRIGGERED or RESOLVED accordingly, though it can be modified (details at the end of this section).

For all intents and purposes, we’ll configure the custom alert with a Slack webhook, but you can call anything you want.

    url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/**********/**********/**********"
    method: "POST"
    body: |
  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
    interval: 30s
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].status == UP"
      - "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
      - type: custom
        failure-threshold: 10
        success-threshold: 3
        send-on-resolved: true
        description: "health check failed"

Note that you can customize the resolved values for the [ALERT_TRIGGERED_OR_RESOLVED] placeholder like so:

        TRIGGERED: "partial_outage"
        RESOLVED: "operational"

As a result, the [ALERT_TRIGGERED_OR_RESOLVED] in the body of first example of this section would be replaced by partial_outage when an alert is triggered and operational when an alert is resolved.

Setting a default alert

Parameter Description Default
alerting.*.default-alert.enabled Whether to enable the alert N/A
alerting.*.default-alert.failure-threshold Number of failures in a row needed before triggering the alert N/A
alerting.*.default-alert.success-threshold Number of successes in a row before an ongoing incident is marked as resolved N/A
alerting.*.default-alert.send-on-resolved Whether to send a notification once a triggered alert is marked as resolved N/A
alerting.*.default-alert.description Description of the alert. Will be included in the alert sent N/A

⚠ You must still specify the type of the alert in the endpoint configuration even if you set the default alert of a provider.

While you can specify the alert configuration directly in the endpoint definition, it’s tedious and may lead to a very long configuration file.

To avoid such problem, you can use the default-alert parameter present in each provider configuration:

    webhook-url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/**********/**********/**********"
      description: "health check failed"
      send-on-resolved: true
      failure-threshold: 5
      success-threshold: 5

As a result, your Gatus configuration looks a lot tidier:

  - name: example
    url: "https://example.org"
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - type: slack

  - name: other-example
    url: "https://example.com"
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - type: slack

It also allows you to do things like this:

  - name: example
    url: "https://example.org"
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - type: slack
        failure-threshold: 5
      - type: slack
        failure-threshold: 10
      - type: slack
        failure-threshold: 15

Of course, you can also mix alert types:

    webhook-url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/**********/**********/**********"
      failure-threshold: 3
    integration-key: "********************************"
      failure-threshold: 5

  - name: endpoint-1
    url: "https://example.org"
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - type: slack
      - type: pagerduty

  - name: endpoint-2
    url: "https://example.org"
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - type: slack
      - type: pagerduty


If you have maintenance windows, you may not want to be annoyed by alerts. To do that, you’ll have to use the maintenance configuration:

Parameter Description Default
maintenance.enabled Whether the maintenance period is enabled true
maintenance.start Time at which the maintenance window starts in hh:mm format (e.g. 23:00) Required ""
maintenance.duration Duration of the maintenance window (e.g. 1h, 30m) Required ""
maintenance.every Days on which the maintenance period applies (e.g. [Monday, Thursday]).
If left empty, the maintenance window applies every day

📝 The maintenance configuration uses UTC

Here’s an example:

  start: 23:00
  duration: 1h
  every: [Monday, Thursday]

Note that you can also specify each day on separate lines:

  start: 23:00
  duration: 1h
    - Monday
    - Thursday


Parameter Description Default
security Security configuration {}
security.basic HTTP Basic configuration {}
security.oidc OpenID Connect configuration {}

Basic Authentication

Parameter Description Default
security.basic HTTP Basic configuration {}
security.basic.username Username for Basic authentication. Required ""
security.basic.password-bcrypt-base64 Password hashed with Bcrypt and then encoded with base64 for Basic authentication. Required ""

The example below will require that you authenticate with the username john.doe and the password hunter2:

    username: "john.doe"
    password-bcrypt-base64: "JDJhJDEwJHRiMnRFakxWazZLdXBzRERQazB1TE8vckRLY05Yb1hSdnoxWU0yQ1FaYXZRSW1McmladDYu"

⚠ Make sure to carefully select to cost of the bcrypt hash. The higher the cost, the longer it takes to compute the hash, and basic auth verifies the password against the hash on every request. As of 2023-01-06, I suggest a cost of 9.


Parameter Description Default
security.oidc OpenID Connect configuration {}
security.oidc.issuer-url Issuer URL Required ""
security.oidc.redirect-url Redirect URL. Must end with /authorization-code/callback Required ""
security.oidc.client-id Client id Required ""
security.oidc.client-secret Client secret Required ""
security.oidc.scopes Scopes to request. The only scope you need is openid. Required []
security.oidc.allowed-subjects List of subjects to allow. If empty, all subjects are allowed. []
    issuer-url: "https://example.okta.com"
    redirect-url: "https://status.example.com/authorization-code/callback"
    client-id: "123456789"
    client-secret: "abcdefghijk"
    scopes: ["openid"]
    # You may optionally specify a list of allowed subjects. If this is not specified, all subjects will be allowed.
    #allowed-subjects: ["johndoe@example.com"]

Confused? Read Securing Gatus with OIDC using Auth0.


To enable metrics, you must set metrics to true. Doing so will expose Prometheus-friendly metrics at the /metrics endpoint on the same port your application is configured to run on (web.port).

Metric name Type Description Labels Relevant endpoint types
gatus_results_total counter Number of results per endpoint key, group, name, type, success All
gatus_results_code_total counter Total number of results by code key, group, name, type, code DNS, HTTP
gatus_results_connected_total counter Total number of results in which a connection was successfully established key, group, name, type All
gatus_results_duration_seconds gauge Duration of the request in seconds key, group, name, type All
gatus_results_certificate_expiration_seconds gauge Number of seconds until the certificate expires key, group, name, type HTTP, STARTTLS

See examples/docker-compose-grafana-prometheus for further documentation as well as an example.


Parameter Description Default
connectivity Connectivity configuration {}
connectivity.checker Connectivity checker configuration Required {}
connectivity.checker.target Host to use for validating connectivity Required ""
connectivity.checker.interval Interval at which to validate connectivity 1m

While Gatus is used to monitor other services, it is possible for Gatus itself to lose connectivity to the internet. In order to prevent Gatus from reporting endpoints as unhealthy when Gatus itself is unhealthy, you may configure Gatus to periodically check for internet connectivity.

All endpoint executions are skipped while the connectivity checker deems connectivity to be down.

    interval: 60s

Remote instances (EXPERIMENTAL)

This feature allows you to retrieve endpoint statuses from a remote Gatus instance.

There are two main use cases for this:

  • You have multiple Gatus instances running on different machines, and you wish to visually expose the statuses through a single dashboard
  • You have one or more Gatus instances that are not publicly accessible (e.g. behind a firewall), and you wish to retrieve

This is an experimental feature. It may be removed or updated in a breaking manner at any time. Furthermore, there are known issues with this feature. If you’d like to provide some feedback, please write a comment in #64. Use at your own risk.

Parameter Description Default
remote Remote configuration {}
remote.instances List of remote instances Required []
remote.instances.endpoint-prefix String to prefix all endpoint names with ""
remote.instances.url URL from which to retrieve endpoint statuses Required ""
    - endpoint-prefix: "status.example.org-"
      url: "https://status.example.org/api/v1/endpoints/statuses"


Many examples can be found in the .examples folder, but this section will focus on the most popular ways of deploying Gatus.


To run Gatus locally with Docker:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --name gatus twinproduction/gatus

Other than using one of the examples provided in the .examples folder, you can also try it out locally by creating a configuration file, we’ll call it config.yaml for this example, and running the following command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/config.yaml,target=/config/config.yaml --name gatus twinproduction/gatus

If you’re on Windows, replace "$(pwd)" by the absolute path to your current directory, e.g.:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --mount type=bind,source=C:/Users/Chris/Desktop/config.yaml,target=/config/config.yaml --name gatus twinproduction/gatus

To build the image locally:

docker build . -t twinproduction/gatus

Helm Chart

Helm must be installed to use the chart. Please refer to Helm’s documentation to get started.

Once Helm is set up properly, add the repository as follows:

helm repo add minicloudlabs https://minicloudlabs.github.io/helm-charts

To get more details, please check chart’s configuration and helm file example


Gatus can be deployed on Terraform by using the following module: terraform-kubernetes-gatus.

Running the tests

go test -v ./...

Using in Production

See the Deployment section.


Sending a GraphQL request

By setting endpoints[].graphql to true, the body will automatically be wrapped by the standard GraphQL query parameter.

For instance, the following configuration:

  - name: filter-users-by-gender
    url: http://localhost:8080/playground
    method: POST
    graphql: true
    body: |
        users(gender: "female") {
      - "[STATUS] == 200"
      - "[BODY].data.users[0].gender == female"

will send a POST request to http://localhost:8080/playground with the following body:

{"query":"      {\n        users(gender: \"female\") {\n          id\n          name\n          gender\n          avatar\n        }\n      }"}

📝 This does not apply if disable-monitoring-lock is set to true, as the monitoring lock is what tells Gatus to only evaluate one endpoint at a time.

To ensure that Gatus provides reliable and accurate results (i.e. response time), Gatus only evaluates one endpoint at a time In other words, even if you have multiple endpoints with the same interval, they will not execute at the same time.

You can test this yourself by running Gatus with several endpoints configured with a very short, unrealistic interval, such as 1ms. You’ll notice that the response time does not fluctuate - that is because while endpoints are evaluated on different goroutines, there’s a global lock that prevents multiple endpoints from running at the same time.

Unfortunately, there is a drawback. If you have a lot of endpoints, including some that are very slow or prone to timing out (the default timeout is 10s), then it means that for the entire duration of the request, no other endpoint can be evaluated.

The interval does not include the duration of the request itself, which means that if an endpoint has an interval of 30s and the request takes 2s to complete, the timestamp between two evaluations will be 32s, not 30s.

While this does not prevent Gatus’ from performing health checks on all other endpoints, it may cause Gatus to be unable to respect the configured interval, for instance:

  • Endpoint A has an interval of 5s, and times out after 10s to complete
  • Endpoint B has an interval of 5s, and takes 1ms to complete
  • Endpoint B will be unable to run every 5s, because endpoint A’s health evaluation takes longer than its interval

To sum it up, while Gatus can handle any interval you throw at it, you’re better off having slow requests with higher interval.

As a rule of thumb, I personally set the interval for more complex health checks to 5m (5 minutes) and simple health checks used for alerting (PagerDuty/Twilio) to 30s.

Default timeouts

Endpoint type Timeout
HTTP 10s
TCP 10s
ICMP 10s

To modify the timeout, see Client configuration.

Monitoring a WebSocket endpoint

By prefixing endpoints[].url with ws:// or wss://, you can monitor WebSocket endpoints at a very basic level:

  - name: example
    url: "wss://example.com/"
    body: "status"
      - "[CONNECTED] == true"
      - "[BODY].result >= 0"

The [BODY] placeholder contains the output of the query, and [CONNECTED] shows whether the connection was successfully established.

Monitoring an endpoint using DNS queries

Defining a dns configuration in an endpoint will automatically mark said endpoint as an endpoint of type DNS:

  - name: example-dns-query
    url: "" # Address of the DNS server to use
      query-name: "example.com"
      query-type: "A"
      - "[BODY] =="
      - "[DNS_RCODE] == NOERROR"

There are two placeholders that can be used in the conditions for endpoints of type DNS:

  • The placeholder [BODY] resolves to the output of the query. For instance, a query of type A would return an IPv4.
  • The placeholder [DNS_RCODE] resolves to the name associated to the response code returned by the query, such as NOERROR, FORMERR, SERVFAIL, NXDOMAIN, etc.

Monitoring an endpoint using STARTTLS

If you have an email server that you want to ensure there are no problems with, monitoring it through STARTTLS will serve as a good initial indicator:

  - name: starttls-smtp-example
    url: "starttls://smtp.gmail.com:587"
    interval: 30m
      timeout: 5s
      - "[CONNECTED] == true"

Monitoring an endpoint using TLS

Monitoring endpoints using SSL/TLS encryption, such as LDAP over TLS, can help detect certificate expiration:

  - name: tls-ldaps-example
    url: "tls://ldap.example.com:636"
    interval: 30m
      timeout: 5s
      - "[CONNECTED] == true"


Setting disable-monitoring-lock to true means that multiple endpoints could be monitored at the same time.

While this behavior wouldn’t generally be harmful, conditions using the [RESPONSE_TIME] placeholder could be impacted by the evaluation of multiple endpoints at the same time, therefore, the default value for this parameter is false.

There are three main reasons why you might want to disable the monitoring lock:

  • You’re using Gatus for load testing (each endpoint are periodically evaluated on a different goroutine, so technically, if you create 100 endpoints with a 1 seconds interval, Gatus will send 100 requests per second)
  • You have a lot of endpoints to monitor
  • You want to test multiple endpoints at very short intervals (< 5s)

Reloading configuration on the fly

For the sake of convenience, Gatus automatically reloads the configuration on the fly if the loaded configuration file is updated while Gatus is running.

By default, the application will exit if the updating configuration is invalid, but you can configure Gatus to continue running if the configuration file is updated with an invalid configuration by setting skip-invalid-config-update to true.

Keep in mind that it is in your best interest to ensure the validity of the configuration file after each update you apply to the configuration file while Gatus is running by looking at the log and making sure that you do not see the following message:

The configuration file was updated, but it is not valid. The old configuration will continue being used.

Failure to do so may result in Gatus being unable to start if the application is restarted for whatever reason.

I recommend not setting skip-invalid-config-update to true to avoid a situation like this, but the choice is yours to make.

If you are not using a file storage, updating the configuration while Gatus is running is effectively the same as restarting the application.

📝 Updates may not be detected if the config file is bound instead of the config folder. See #151.

Endpoint groups

Endpoint groups are used for grouping multiple endpoints together on the dashboard.

  - name: frontend
    group: core
    url: "https://example.org/"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"

  - name: backend
    group: core
    url: "https://example.org/"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"

  - name: monitoring
    group: internal
    url: "https://example.org/"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"

  - name: nas
    group: internal
    url: "https://example.org/"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"

  - name: random endpoint that is not part of a group
    url: "https://example.org/"
    interval: 5m
      - "[STATUS] == 200"

The configuration above will result in a dashboard that looks like this:

Gatus Endpoint Groups

Exposing Gatus on a custom port

By default, Gatus is exposed on port 8080, but you may specify a different port by setting the web.port parameter:

  port: 8081

If you’re using a PaaS like Heroku that doesn’t let you set a custom port and exposes it through an environment variable instead, you can use that environment variable directly in the configuration file:

  port: ${PORT}

Configuring a startup delay

If, for any reason, you need Gatus to wait for a given amount of time before monitoring the endpoints on application start, you can use the GATUS_DELAY_START_SECONDS environment variable to make Gatus sleep on startup.

Keeping your configuration small

While not specific to Gatus, you can leverage YAML anchors to create a default configuration. If you have a large configuration file, this should help you keep things clean.

Example ```yaml default-endpoint: &defaults group: core interval: 5m client: insecure: true timeout: 30s conditions: - "[STATUS] == 200" endpoints: - name: anchor-example-1 <<: *defaults # This will merge the configuration under &defaults with this endpoint url: "https://example.org" - name: anchor-example-2 <<: *defaults group: example # This will override the group defined in &defaults url: "https://example.com" - name: anchor-example-3 <<: *defaults url: "https://twin.sh/health" conditions: # This will override the conditions defined in &defaults - "[STATUS] == 200" - "[BODY].status == UP" ```

Proxy client configuration

You can configure a proxy for the client to use by setting the proxy-url parameter in the client configuration.

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
      proxy-url: http://proxy.example.com:8080
      - "[STATUS] == 200"

Proxy client configuration

You can configure a proxy for the client to use by setting the proxy-url parameter in the client configuration.

  - name: website
    url: "https://twin.sh/health"
      proxy-url: http://proxy.example.com:8080
      - "[STATUS] == 200"

How to fix 431 Request Header Fields Too Large error

Depending on where your environment is deployed and what kind of middleware or reverse proxy sits in front of Gatus, you may run into this issue. This could be because the request headers are too large, e.g. big cookies.

By default, web.read-buffer-size is set to 8192, but increasing this value like so will increase the read buffer size:

  read-buffer-size: 32768



Uptime 1h Uptime 24h Uptime 7d

Gatus can automatically generate an SVG badge for one of your monitored endpoints. This allows you to put badges in your individual applications’ README or even create your own status page if you desire.

The path to generate a badge is the following:



  • {duration} is 7d, 24h or 1h
  • {key} has the pattern <GROUP_NAME>_<ENDPOINT_NAME> in which both variables have , /, _, , and . replaced by -.

For instance, if you want the uptime during the last 24 hours from the endpoint frontend in the group core, the URL would look like this:


If you want to display an endpoint that is not part of a group, you must leave the group value empty:



![Uptime 24h](https://status.twin.sh/api/v1/endpoints/core_blog-external/uptimes/24h/badge.svg)

If you’d like to see a visual example of each badge available, you can simply navigate to the endpoint’s detail page.



The path to generate a badge is the following:



  • {key} has the pattern <GROUP_NAME>_<ENDPOINT_NAME> in which both variables have , /, _, , and . replaced by -.

For instance, if you want the current status of the endpoint frontend in the group core, the URL would look like this:


Health (Shields.io)


The path to generate a badge is the following:



  • {key} has the pattern <GROUP_NAME>_<ENDPOINT_NAME> in which both variables have , /, _, , and . replaced by -.

For instance, if you want the current status of the endpoint frontend in the group core, the URL would look like this:


See more information about the Shields.io badge endpoint here.

Response time

Response time 1h Response time 24h Response time 7d

The endpoint to generate a badge is the following:



  • {duration} is 7d, 24h or 1h
  • {key} has the pattern <GROUP_NAME>_<ENDPOINT_NAME> in which both variables have , /, _, , and . replaced by -.
How to change the color thresholds of the response time badge

To change the response time badges’ threshold, a corresponding configuration can be added to an endpoint. The values in the array correspond to the levels [Awesome, Great, Good, Passable, Bad] All five values must be given in milliseconds (ms).

- name: nas
  group: internal
  url: "https://example.org/"
  interval: 5m
    - "[STATUS] == 200"
        thresholds: [550, 850, 1350, 1650, 1750]


Gatus provides a simple read-only API that can be queried in order to programmatically determine endpoint status and history.

All endpoints are available via a GET request to the following endpoint:

Example: https://status.twin.sh/api/v1/endpoints/statuses

Specific endpoints can also be queried by using the following pattern:


Example: https://status.twin.sh/api/v1/endpoints/core_blog-home/statuses

Gzip compression will be used if the `Accept-Encoding` HTTP header contains `gzip`.

The API will return a JSON payload with the `Content-Type` response header set to `application/json`.
No such header is required to query the API.

### Installing as binary
You can download Gatus as a binary using the following command:

go install github.com/TwiN/gatus/v5@latest “`

High level design overview

Gatus diagram


  • coming soon...