

Implementation of fine-grained authorization based on the "Zanzibar: Google's Consistent, Global Authorization System" paper. Backed by [CNCF](https://www.cncf.io/).

Getting Started

The following section aims to help you get started quickly. Please look at our official documentation for in-depth information.


OpenFGA is available on Dockerhub, so you can quickly start it using the in-memory datastore by running the following commands:

docker pull openfga/openfga
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 3000:3000 openfga/openfga run

[!TIP] The OPENFGA_HTTP_ADDR environment variable can used to configure the address at which the playground expects the OpenFGA server to be. For example, docker run -e OPENFGA_PLAYGROUND_ENABLED=true -e OPENFGA_HTTP_ADDR= -p 4000:4000 -p 3000:3000 openfga/openfga run will start the OpenFGA server on port 4000, and configure the playground too.

Docker Compose

docker-compose.yaml provides an example of how to launch OpenFGA with Postgres using docker compose.

  1. First, either clone this repo or curl the docker-compose.yaml file with the following command:
   curl -LO https://openfga.dev/docker-compose.yaml
  1. Then, run the following command:
   docker compose up

Package Managers

If you are a Homebrew user, you can install OpenFGA with the following command:

brew install openfga

Pre-compiled Binaries

Download your platform’s latest release and extract it. Then run the binary with the command:

./openfga run

Building from Source

There are two recommended options for building OpenFGA from source code:

Building from source with go install

Make sure you have Go 1.20 or later installed. See the Go downloads page.

You can install from source using Go modules:

  1. First, make sure $GOBIN is on your shell $PATH:
   export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOBIN)
  1. Then use the install command:
   go install github.com/openfga/openfga/cmd/openfga
  1. Run the server with:
   ./openfga run

Building from source with go build

Alternatively you can build OpenFGA by cloning the project from this Github repo, and then building it with the go build command:

  1. Clone the repo to a local directory, and navigate to that directory:
   git clone https://github.com/openfga/openfga.git && cd openfga
  1. Then use the build command:
   go build -o ./openfga ./cmd/openfga
  1. Run the server with:
   ./openfga run


The Playground facilitates rapid development by allowing you to visualize and model your application’s authorization model(s) and manage relationship tuples with a locally running OpenFGA instance.

To run OpenFGA with the Playground disabled, provide the --playground-enabled=false flag.

./openfga run --playground-enabled=false

Once OpenFGA is running, by default, the Playground can be accessed at http://localhost:3000/playground.

In the event that a port other than the default port is required, the --playground-port flag can be set to change it. For example,

./openfga run --playground-enabled --playground-port 3001

Profiler (pprof)

Profiling through pprof can be enabled on the OpenFGA server by providing the --profiler-enabled flag.

./openfga run --profiler-enabled

This will start serving profiling data on port 3001. You can see that data by visiting http://localhost:3001/debug/pprof.

If you need to serve the profiler on a different address, you can do so by specifying the --profiler-addr flag. For example,

./openfga run --profiler-enabled --profiler-addr :3002

Once the OpenFGA server is running, in another window you can run the following command to generate a compressed CPU profile:

go tool pprof -proto -seconds 60 http://localhost:3001/debug/pprof/profile
# will collect data for 60 seconds and generate a file like pprof.samples.cpu.001.pb.gz

That file can be analyzed visually by running the following command and then visiting http://localhost:8084:

go tool pprof -http=localhost:8084 pprof.samples.cpu.001.pb.gz

Next Steps

Take a look at examples of how to:

Don’t hesitate to browse the official Documentation, API Reference.


MySQL Storage engine

The MySQL storage engine has a lower length limit for some properties of a tuple compared with other storage backends. For more information see the docs.

OpenFGA’s MySQL Storage Adapter was contributed to OpenFGA by @twintag. Thanks!

Community Meetings

We hold a monthly meeting to interact with the community, collaborate and receive/provide feedback. You can find more details, including the time, our agenda, and the meeting minutes here.


  • coming soon...