

Structured logger for `net/context` aware HTTP handlers with flexible dispatching.


go get github.com/rs/xlog

Copy Logger

You may want to get a copy of the current logger to pass a modified version to a function without touching the original:

l := xlog.FromContext(ctx)
l2 := xlog.Copy(l)
l2.SetField("foo", "bar")

Make sure you copy a request context logger if you plan to use it in a go routine that may still exist after the end of the current request. Contextual loggers are reused after each requests to lower the pressure on the garbage collector. If you would use such a logger in a go routine, you may end up using a logger from another request/context or worse, a nil pointer:

l := xlog.FromContext(ctx)
l2 := xlog.Copy(l)
go func() {
    // use the safe copy

Configure Output

By default, output is setup to output debug and info message on STDOUT and warning and errors to STDERR. You can easily change this setup.

XLog output can be customized using composable output handlers. Thanks to the LevelOutput, MultiOutput and FilterOutput, it is easy to route messages precisely.

conf := xlog.Config{
    Output: xlog.NewOutputChannel(xlog.MultiOutput{
        // Send all logs with field type=mymodule to a remote syslog
        0: xlog.FilterOutput{
            Cond: func(fields map[string]interface{}) bool {
                return fields["type"] == "mymodule"
            Output: xlog.NewSyslogOutput("tcp", "", "mymodule"),
        // Setup different output per log level
        1: xlog.LevelOutput{
            // Send errors to the console
            Error: xlog.NewConsoleOutput(),
            // Send syslog output for error level
            Info: xlog.NewSyslogOutput("", "", ""),

h = xlog.NewHandler(conf)

Third Party Extensions

Project Author Description
gRPClog Hugo González Labrador An adapter to use xlog as the logger for grpclog.
xlog-nsq Olivier Poitrey An xlog to NSQ output.
xlog-sentry trong An xlog to Sentry output.


  • coming soon...