

Vim configuration files for Elixir.



  • Syntax highlighting for Elixir and EEx files
  • Filetype detection for .ex, .exs, .eex, .heex, .leex, and .sface files
  • Automatic indentation
  • Integration between Ecto projects and [vim-dadbod][] for running SQL queries on defined Ecto repositories

Plugin Managers

If you are using a plugin manager then add vim-elixir the way you would any other plugin:

# Using vim 8 native package loading
#   http://vimhelp.appspot.com/repeat.txt.html#packages
git clone https://github.com/elixir-editors/vim-elixir.git ~/.vim/pack/my-packages/start/vim-elixir

# Using pathogen
git clone https://github.com/elixir-editors/vim-elixir.git ~/.vim/bundle/vim-elixir
" Using vim-plug
Plug 'elixir-editors/vim-elixir'

" Using Vundle
Plugin 'elixir-editors/vim-elixir'

" Using NeoBundle
NeoBundle 'elixir-editors/vim-elixir'


You must add the following to your ~/.vimrc:

" Enable syntax highlighting
syntax on

" Enables filetype detection, loads ftplugin, and loads indent
" (Not necessary on nvim and may not be necessary on vim 8.2+)
filetype plugin indent on



Maintenance Help

vim-elixir is looking for new maintainers. If you get a lot of value from it, know vimscript well, or eager to learn about it then feel free to get in touch with @jbodah (GH issue, elixir-lang Slack)

Developing in Docker

You can spawn a container with vim and your development configs using bin/vim or bin/nvim

Debugging Indent

# Open vim in a container loading this plugin
bin/vim myfile.ex

# Debug statements should be configured to print automatically
# Write/indent some code

# You should see output like the following:
#   ==> Indenting line 3
#   text = '    _ -> :wowo'
#   testing handler elixir#indent#handle_top_of_file
#   testing handler elixir#indent#handle_starts_with_string_continuation
#   testing handler elixir#indent#handle_following_trailing_binary_operator
#   testing handler elixir#indent#handle_starts_with_pipe
#   testing handler elixir#indent#handle_starts_with_binary_operator
#   testing handler elixir#indent#handle_inside_block
#   pattern matching relative to lnum 2
#   current line contains ->; assuming match definition
#   line 3: elixir#indent#handle_inside_block returned 4
#   1 change; before #1  4 seconds ago
# This tells you which line is being inspected as well as which handlers are being run
# and which branches are being exercised by those handlers


  • coming soon...