

Flexible test factories for Elixir. Works out of the box with Ecto and Ecto associations.


Check out the docs for more details.

Define factories:

defmodule MyApp.Factory do
  # with Ecto
  use ExMachina.Ecto, repo: MyApp.Repo

  # without Ecto
  use ExMachina

  def user_factory do
      name: "Jane Smith",
      email: sequence(:email, &"email-#{&1}@example.com"),
      role: sequence(:role, ["admin", "user", "other"]),

  def article_factory do
    title = sequence(:title, &"Use ExMachina! (Part #{&1})")
    # derived attribute
    slug = MyApp.Article.title_to_slug(title)
      title: title,
      slug: slug,
      # another way to build derived attributes
      tags: fn article ->
        if String.contains?(article.title, "Silly") do
      # associations are inserted when you call `insert`
      author: build(:user)

  # derived factory
  def featured_article_factory do
        featured: true,

  def comment_factory do
      text: "It's great!",
      article: build(:article),

Using factories (check out the docs for more details):

# `attrs` are automatically merged in for all build/insert functions.

# `build*` returns an unsaved comment.
# Associated records defined on the factory are built.
attrs = %{body: "A comment!"} # attrs is optional. Also accepts a keyword list.
build(:comment, attrs)
build_pair(:comment, attrs)
build_list(3, :comment, attrs)

# `insert*` returns an inserted comment. Only works with ExMachina.Ecto
# Associated records defined on the factory are inserted as well.
insert(:comment, attrs)
insert_pair(:comment, attrs)
insert_list(3, :comment, attrs)

# `params_for` returns a plain map without any Ecto specific attributes.
# This is only available when using `ExMachina.Ecto`.
params_for(:comment, attrs)

# `params_with_assocs` is the same as `params_for` but inserts all belongs_to
# associations and sets the foreign keys.
# This is only available when using `ExMachina.Ecto`.
params_with_assocs(:comment, attrs)

# Use `string_params_for` to generate maps with string keys. This can be useful
# for Phoenix controller tests.
string_params_for(:comment, attrs)
string_params_with_assocs(:comment, attrs)

Delayed evaluation of attributes

build/2 is a function call. As such, it gets evaluated immediately. So this code:

insert_pair(:account, user: build(:user))

Is equivalent to this:

user = build(:user)
insert_pair(:account, user: user) # same user for both accounts

Sometimes that presents a problem. Consider the following factory:

def user_factory do
  %{name: "Gandalf", email: sequence(:email, "gandalf#{&1}@istari.com")}

If you want to build a separate user per account, then calling insert_pair(:account, user: build(:user)) will not give you the desired result.

In those cases, you can delay the execution of the factory by passing it as an anonymous function:

insert_pair(:account, user: fn -> build(:user) end)

You can also do that in a factory definition:

def account_factory do
  %{user: fn -> build(:user) end}

You can even accept the parent record as an argument to the function:

def account_factory do
  %{user: fn account -> build(:user, vip: account.premium) end}

Note that the account passed to the anonymous function is only the struct after it’s built. It’s not an inserted record. Thus, it does not have data that is only accessible after being inserted into the database (e.g. id).

Full control of factory

By default, ExMachina will merge the attributes you pass into build/insert into your factory. But if you want full control of your attributes, you can define your factory as accepting one argument, the attributes being passed into your factory.

def custom_article_factory(attrs) do
  title = Map.get(attrs, :title, "default title")

  article = %Article{
    author: "John Doe",
    title: title

  # merge attributes and evaluate lazy attributes at the end to emulate
  # ExMachina's default behavior
  |> merge_attributes(attrs)
  |> evaluate_lazy_attributes()

NOTE that in this case ExMachina will not merge the attributes into your factory, and it will not evaluate lazy attributes. You will have to do this on your own if desired.

Non-map factories

Because you have full control of the factory when defining it with one argument, you can build factories that are neither maps nor structs.

# factory definition
def room_number_factory(attrs) do
  %{floor: floor_number} = attrs
  sequence(:room_number, &"#{floor_number}0#{&1}")

# => "500"

build(:room_number, floor: 5)
# => "501"

NOTE that you cannot use non-map factories with Ecto. So you cannot insert(:room_number).

Example of use in Phoenix with a factory that uses ExMachina.Ecto

defmodule MyApp.MyModuleTest do use MyApp.ConnCase # If using Phoenix, import this inside the using block in MyApp.ConnCase import MyApp.Factory

test “shows comments for an article” do

conn = conn()
article = insert(:article)
comment = insert(:comment, article: article)

conn = get conn, article_path(conn, :show, article.id)

assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ article.title
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ comment.body

end end

# test/factories/article_factory.ex
defmodule MyApp.ArticleFactory do
  defmacro __using__(_opts) do
    quote do
      def article_factory do
          title: "My awesome article!",
          body: "Still working on it!"

This way you can split your giant factory file into many small files. But what about name conflicts? Use pattern matching to avoid them!

# test/factories/post_factory.ex
defmodule MyApp.PostFactory do
  defmacro __using__(_opts) do
    quote do
      def post_factory do
          body: "Example body"

      def with_comments(%MyApp.Post{} = post) do
        insert_pair(:comment, post: post)

## Ecto

### Ecto Associations

ExMachina will automatically save any associations when you call any of the
`insert` functions. This includes `belongs_to` and anything that is
inserted by Ecto when using `Repo.insert!`, such as `has_many`, `has_one`,
and embeds. Since we automatically save these records for you, we advise that
factory definitions only use `build/2` when declaring associations, like so:

def article_factory do
    title: "Use ExMachina!",
    # associations are inserted when you call `insert`
    comments: [build(:comment)],
    author: build(:user),

Using insert/2 in factory definitions may lead to performance issues and bugs, as records will be saved unnecessarily.

Passing options to Repo.insert!/2

ExMachina.Ecto uses Repo.insert!/2 to insert records into the database. Sometimes you may want to pass options to deal with multi-tenancy or return some values generated by the database. In those cases, you can use c:ExMachina.Ecto.insert/3:

For example,

# return values from the database
insert(:user, [name: "Jane"], returning: true)

# use a different prefix
insert(:user, [name: "Jane"], prefix: "other_tenant")

Flexible Factories with Pipes

def make_admin(user) do
  %{user | admin: true}

def with_article(user) do
  insert(:article, user: user)

build(:user) |> make_admin |> insert |> with_article

Custom Strategies

You can use ExMachina without Ecto, by using just the build functions, or you can define one or more custom strategies to use in your factory. You can also use custom strategies with Ecto. Here’s an example of a strategy for json encoding your factories. See the docs on ExMachina.Strategy for more info.

defmodule MyApp.JsonEncodeStrategy do
  use ExMachina.Strategy, function_name: :json_encode

  def handle_json_encode(record, _opts) do

defmodule MyApp.Factory do
  use ExMachina
  # Using this will add json_encode/2, json_encode_pair/2 and json_encode_list/3
  use MyApp.JsonEncodeStrategy

  def user_factory do
    %User{name: "John"}

# Will build and then return a JSON encoded version of the user.

About thoughtbot


ExMachina is maintained and funded by thoughtbot, inc. The names and logos for thoughtbot are trademarks of thoughtbot, inc.

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