
Elixir Github Repository

The project repository.

Bug reports

For reporting bugs, visit our issue tracker and follow the steps for reporting a new issue. Please disclose security vulnerabilities privately at elixir-security@googlegroups.com.

Proposing new features

For proposing new features, please start a discussion in the Elixir Core mailing list. The language development history and its focus are described on our website.

Keep in mind that it is your responsibility to argue and explain why a feature is useful and how it will impact the codebase and the community. A good proposal includes the problem description and how the proposed solution compares with existing alternatives in the Elixir ecosystem (as well as in other languages). To iron out a proposal before submission, consider using and gathering feedback from the community spaces listed on the sidebar of the Elixir website.

Once a proposal is accepted, it will be added to the issue tracker. Features and bug fixes that have already been merged and will be included in the next release are then “closed” and added to the changelog.

Reviewing changes

Once a pull request is sent, the Elixir team will review your changes. We outline our process below to clarify the roles of everyone involved.

All pull requests must be approved by two committers before being merged into the repository. If changes are necessary, the team will leave appropriate comments requesting changes to the code. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee a pull request will be merged, even when modifications are requested, as the Elixir team will re-evaluate the contribution as it changes.

Committers may also push style changes directly to your branch. If you would rather manage all changes yourself, you can disable the “Allow edits from maintainers” feature when submitting your pull request.

The Elixir team may optionally assign someone to review a pull request. If someone is assigned, they must explicitly approve the code before another team member can merge it.

When the review finishes, your pull request will be squashed and merged into the repository. If you have carefully organized your commits and believe they should be merged without squashing, please mention it in a comment.

Building documentation

Building the documentation requires that ExDoc is installed and built alongside Elixir:

# After cloning and compiling Elixir, in its parent directory:
git clone https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc.git
cd ex_doc && ../elixir/bin/elixir ../elixir/bin/mix do deps.get + compile

Now go back to Elixir’s root directory and run:

make docs                  # to generate HTML pages
make docs DOCS_FORMAT=epub # to generate EPUB documents

This will produce documentation sets for elixir, eex, ex_unit, iex, logger, and mix under the doc directory. If you are planning to contribute documentation, please check our best practices for writing documentation.


  • coming soon...