

Apache Druid client for Elixir.


Build Status

An open-source client library for sending requests to Apache Druid from applications written in Elixir. The project uses HTTPoison as an HTTP client for sending queries.

Getting Started

Add Panoramix as a dependency to your project.

defp deps do
    {:panoramix, ">= 0.12.0 and < 1.0.0"}


Panoramix requires a Druid Broker profile to be defined in the configuration of your application.

config :panoramix,
  request_timeout: 120_000,
  query_priority:  0,
  broker_profiles: [
    default: [
      base_url:       "https://druid-broker-host:9088",
      cacertfile:     "path/to/druid-certificate.crt",
      http_username:  "username",
      http_password:  "password"
  httpoison_module: HTTPoison
  • request_timeout: Query timeout in millis to be used in Context of all Druid queries.
  • query_priority: Priority to be used in Context of all Druid queries.
  • httpoison_module: Module to call when making HTTP requests. Defaults to HTTPoison if not specified, but you can provide a custom wrapper module if you wish. See HTTPoison.Base for examples.

The cacertfile option in the broker profile names a file that contains the CA certificate for the Druid broker. Alternatively you can specify the certificate as a string in PEM format (starting with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----) in the cacert option.


You can check correctness of your configuration by requesting status from Druid Broker. A successfull response will look like this.

iex(1)> Panoramix.status(:default)
   "memory" => %{...},
   "modules" => [...],
   "version" => "0.13.0"


We’d love to accept your contributions in a form of patches, bug reports and new features!

Before opening a pull request please make sure your changes pass all the tests.


  • coming soon...