

A client for Chrome's DevTools API to generate PDFs (HTML to PDF).


def MyApp.Application do def start(_type, _args) do

children = [
  # other apps...

Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor)

end end

### Main API

Here's how you generate a PDF from an external URL and store it in the local filesystem.

# Prints a local HTML file to PDF.
ChromicPDF.print_to_pdf({:url, "https://example.net"}, output: "example.pdf")

The next example shows how to print a local HTML file to PDF/A, as well as the use of a callback function that receives the generated PDF as path to a temporary file.

ChromicPDF.print_to_pdfa({:url, "file:///example.html"}, output: fn pdf ->
  # Send pdf via mail, upload to S3, ...

Template API

ChromicPDF.Template contains additional functionality for controlling page dimensions of your PDF.

[content: "<p>Hello Template</p>", size: :a4]
|> ChromicPDF.Template.source_and_options()
|> ChromicPDF.print_to_pdf()

Multiple sources

Multiple sources can be automatically concatenated using Ghostscript.

ChromicPDF.print_to_pdf([{:html, "page 1"}, {:html, "page 2"}], output: "joined.pdf")


  • There is an outdated example of how to integrate ChromicPDF in a Phoenix application, see examples/phoenix.


This should get you started:

mix deps.get
mix test

For running the full suite of integration tests, please install and have in your $PATH:

  • verapdf
  • For pdfinfo and pdftotext, you need poppler-utils (most Linux distributions) or Xpdf (OSX)
  • For the odd ZUGFeRD test in zugferd_test.exs, you need to download ZUV and set the $ZUV_JAR environment variable.


  • coming soon...