
Elm Format

Automatic Elm code formatter adhering to [Elm Style Guide](http://elm-lang.org/docs/style-guide).

Build Status latest version: 0.8.7


elm-format formats Elm source code according to a standard set of rules based on the official Elm Style Guide. It is inspired by the popular gofmt.

The benefits of elm-format:

  • It makes code easier to write, because you never have to worry about minor formatting concerns while powering out new code.
  • It makes code easier to read, because there are no longer distracting minor stylistic differences between different code bases. As such, your brain can map more efficiently from source to mental model.
  • It makes code easier to maintain, because you can no longer have diffs related only to formatting; every diff necessarily involves a material change.
  • It saves your team time debating how to format things, because there is a standard tool that formats everything the same way.
  • It saves you time because you don’t have to nitpick over formatting details of your code.

Integration with other tools

These tools also integrate with elm-format:

Development info

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

Use the instructions below to get started. More detailed information is available in ./dev/Documentation/.

Building from source

  1. Install Haskell ghcup following the instructions for your operating system: https://www.haskell.org/ghcup/
# check out the repo
git clone https://github.com/avh4/elm-format.git
cd elm-format

# initial setup
ghcup install ghc 9.4.4
ghcup set ghc 9.4.4
cabal install hpack

# build
dev/build.sh -- build

# run the built elm-format

See dev/Documentation for more contributor and build command documentation.


  • coming soon...