
Bitcoin BR Chrome Extension

Chrome extension built in Elm that shows the bitcoin value in all Brazilian exchanges.

Bitcoin BR Chrome Extension

Hey, I built this extension using Elm (:heart:) and fetching data from (BitValor)[https://bitvalor.com/api]

Click here to use it!

Running Locally:

Clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/jouderianjr/bitcoin-br-chrome-extension

Install all dependencies:

npm install

Serve locally:

npm start
  • Access app at http://localhost:8080/
  • Get coding! The entry point file is src/elm/Main.elm
  • Browser will refresh automatically on any file changes..

Build & bundle for prod:

npm run build
  • Files are saved into the /dist folder
  • To check it, open dist/index.html


  • coming soon...