

Write CLI programs using Elm

Posix programs in Elm

Write your tools and build scripts in Elm.

The Elm Architecture is nice when you are writing event driven applications and long running processes. However, I find it a bit cumbersome when you just want to do some simple scripts and tools.

This project lets you write monadic IO programs, similar to Haskell, and then compile them to a nodejs shell script.

For example

elm-cli make src/MyScript.elm my-script

will create an executable shell script that you can run with ./my-script.

This is still under development and will most likely change

Work in Progress

A proof of concept is implemented and testable (on Linux). There are still some things pending before publishing v1.0.

Some things to fix before publishing

  • Make sure it works on other OS
  • Documentation and user help

IO effects to implement:

  • Spawning child processes
  • Executing Cmd, for example Http


  • coming soon...