

A library capable of splitting, merging and transforming PDF pages.


The experience pypdf users have covers the whole range from beginners who want to make their live easier to experts who developed software before PDF existed. You can contribute to the pypdf community by answering questions on StackOverflow, helping in discussions, and asking users who report issues for MCVE’s (Code + example PDF!).


A good bug ticket includes a MCVE - a minimal complete verifiable example. For pypdf, this means that you must upload a PDF that causes the bug to occur as well as the code you’re executing with all of the output. Use print(pypdf.__version__) to tell us which version you’re using.


All code contributions are welcome, but smaller ones have a better chance to get included in a timely manner. Adding unit tests for new features or test cases for bugs you’ve fixed help us to ensure that the Pull Request (PR) is fine.

pypdf includes a test suite which can be executed with pytest:

$ pytest
===================== test session starts =====================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.15, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /home/moose/GitHub/Martin/pypdf
plugins: cov-3.0.0
collected 233 items

tests/test_basic_features.py ..                         [  0%]
tests/test_constants.py .                               [  1%]
tests/test_filters.py .................x.....           [ 11%]
tests/test_generic.py ................................. [ 25%]
.............                                           [ 30%]
tests/test_javascript.py ..                             [ 31%]
tests/test_merger.py .                                  [ 32%]
tests/test_page.py .........................            [ 42%]
tests/test_pagerange.py ................                [ 49%]
tests/test_papersizes.py ..................             [ 57%]
tests/test_reader.py .................................. [ 72%]
...............                                         [ 78%]
tests/test_utils.py ....................                [ 87%]
tests/test_workflows.py ..........                      [ 91%]
tests/test_writer.py .................                  [ 98%]
tests/test_xmp.py ...                                   [100%]

========== 232 passed, 1 xfailed, 1 warning in 4.52s ==========


  • coming soon...