

a reactive dataflow programming toolkit

Prior art

vs functional

ReactiveX is one of the first functional effect system to have gained significant traction in mainstream languages. Other popular incarnations of this paradigm can be found in the Scala ecosystem, namely Cats Effects, ZIO and Monix, all heavily influenced by haskell’s IO monad.

missionary aims to make sequential composition more practical, dismissing monadic binding in favor of a DSL that is a superset of the host language. This idea is by no means new, it is even rather popular nowadays and present in almost every modern concurrency framework, including in clojure with core.async’s go blocks. Ambiguous expressions are the natural extension of this technique to multiple value producers, but that part has definitely not reached mainstream yet. Surprisingly enough, it is sparingly used even in the modern functional programming landscape.


#missionary on Clojurians slack


  • coming soon...