

RSS/Atom feed consumer and producer

Buran (meaning “Snowstorm” or “Blizzard”) was the first spaceplane to be produced as part of the Soviet/Russian Buran programme. Wikipedia


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Buran is a library designed to consume and produce any RSS/Atom feeds using a data-driven approach. It works as a ROME wrapper, but in Buran, feeds are represented as data structures.

Buran can be used as an aggregator for various feed formats, converting them into regular Clojure data structures. When consuming a feed, Buran creates a map, which can be read or manipulated using regular functions such as filter, sort, assoc, dissoc, and more. After the modifications, Buran can generate your own feed, for example, in a different format (RSS 2.0, 1.0, 0.9x or Atom 1.0, 0.3).


Consume a feed from String

(def feed "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
           <feed xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\">
             <title>Feed title</title>
             <subtitle />
               <title>Entry title</title>
                 <name />
               <summary>entry description</summary>
(shrink (consume feed))
{:info    {:feed-type "atom_1.0", 
           :title     "Feed title"},
 :entries [{:title       "Entry title", 
            :description {:value "entry description"}}]}

Produce a feed

(def feed {:info {:feed-type "atom_1.0"
                  :title     "Feed title"}
           :entries [{:title       "Entry title"
                      :description {:value "entry description"}}]})
(produce feed)
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
 <feed xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\">\r
   <title>Feed title</title>\r
   <subtitle />\r
     <title>Entry title</title>\r
       <name />\r
     <summary>entry description</summary>\r

Consume a feed over http

(consume-http "https://stackoverflow.com/feeds/tag?tagnames=clojure")
{:info {...},
 :entries [...],
 :foreign-markup [...]}

Shrink a feed (remove nils, empty colls, maps and etc.)

(shrink (consume-http "https://stackoverflow.com/feeds/tag?tagnames=clojure"))
{:info {:description "most recent 30 from stackoverflow.com",
        :feed-type "atom_1.0",
        :published-date #inst"2018-08-20T08:03:33.000-00:00",
        :title "Active questions tagged clojure - Stack Overflow",
        :link "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/?tagnames=clojure&sort=active",
        :uri "https://stackoverflow.com/feeds/tag?tagnames=clojure",
        :links [{:href "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/?tagnames=clojure&sort=active",
                 :type "text/html",
                 :rel "alternate",
                 :length 0}, ...]},
 :entries [{:description {:type "html", :value "<p>..."},
            :updated-date #inst"2018-08-20T06:16:12.000-00:00",
            :foreign-markup [...],
            :published-date #inst"2018-08-20T05:54:39.000-00:00",
            :title "Clojure evaluate lazy sequence",
            :author "Constantine",
            :categories [{:name "clojure", :taxonomy-uri "https://stackoverflow.com/tags"}, ...],
            :link "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51924808/clojure-evaluate-lazy-sequence",
            :uri "https://stackoverflow.com/q/51924808",
            :authors [{:name "Constantine", :uri "https://stackoverflow.com/users/4201205"}],
            :links [{:href "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51924808/clojure-evaluate-lazy-sequence",
                     :rel "alternate",
                     :length 0}]}, ...],
 :foreign-markup [...]}

Various options


  • coming soon...