

A fixture factory generation library for Doctrine.

How to contribute

Running the Test Suite

The test suite of this library needs one or more databases, then it comes with a docker compose configuration.

[!NOTE] Docker and PHP installed locally (with mysql, pgsql & mongodb extensions) is required.

You can start the containers and run the test suite:

# start the container
$ docker compose up --detach

# install dependencies
$ composer update

# run test suite with all available permutations
$ composer test

# run only one permutation
$ vendor/bin/phpunit

# run test suite with dama/doctrine-test-bundle
$ vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.dama.xml.dist

# run test suite with postgreSQL instead of MySQL
$ DATABASE_URL="postgresql://zenstruck:zenstruck@" vendor/bin/phpunit

Overriding the default configuration

You can override default environment variables by creating a .env.local file, to easily enable permutations:

# .env.local

# run test suite with postgreSQL
$ vendor/bin/phpunit

The .env.local file can also be used to override the port of the database containers, if it does not meet your local requirements. You’ll also need to override docker compose configuration:

Here is an example to use MySQL on port 3308:

# docker-compose.override.yml
version: '3.9'

            - "3308:3306"
# .env.local


The AAA style of testing was first introduced to me by Adam Wathan’s excellent Test Driven Laravel Course. The inspiration for this libraries API comes from Laravel factories and christophrumpel/laravel-factories-reloaded.


  • coming soon...