

Streaming torrent client for Node.js and the browser.


To install WebTorrent for use in node or the browser with import WebTorrent from 'webtorrent', run:

npm install webtorrent

To install a webtorrent command line program, run:

npm install webtorrent-cli -g

To install a WebTorrent desktop application for Mac, Windows, or Linux, see WebTorrent Desktop.

Who is using WebTorrent today?

Lots of folks!

WebTorrent API Documentation

Read the full API Documentation.

In the browser

Downloading a file is simple:
import WebTorrent from 'webtorrent'

const client = new WebTorrent()
const magnetURI = '...'

client.add(magnetURI, torrent => {
  // Got torrent metadata!
  console.log('Client is downloading:', torrent.infoHash)

  for (const file of torrent.files) {
Seeding a file is simple, too:
import dragDrop from 'drag-drop'
import WebTorrent from 'webtorrent'

const client = new WebTorrent()

// When user drops files on the browser, create a new torrent and start seeding it!
dragDrop('body', files => {
  client.seed(files, torrent => {
    console.log('Client is seeding:', torrent.infoHash)

There are more examples in docs/get-started.md.


WebTorrent works great with browserify, an npm package that lets you use node-style require() to organize your browser code and load modules installed by npm (as seen in the previous examples).


WebTorrent also works with webpack, another module bundler. However, webpack requires extra configuration which you can find in the webpack bundle config used by webtorrent.

Or, you can just use the pre-built version via import WebTorrent from 'webtorrent/dist/webtorrent.min.js' and skip the webpack configuration.

Script tag

WebTorrent is also available as a standalone script (webtorrent.min.js) which exposes WebTorrent on the window object, so it can be used with just a script tag:

<script type='module'>
  import WebTorrent from 'webtorrent.min.js'

The WebTorrent script is also hosted on fast, reliable CDN infrastructure (Cloudflare and MaxCDN) for easy inclusion on your site:

<script type='module'>
  import WebTorrent from 'https://esm.sh/webtorrent'
Chrome App

If you want to use WebTorrent in a Chrome App, you can include the following script:

<script type='module'>
  import WebTorrent from 'webtorrent.chromeapp.js'

Be sure to enable the chrome.sockets.udp and chrome.sockets.tcp permissions!

Talks about WebTorrent


Most of the active development is happening inside of small npm packages which are used by WebTorrent.

The Node Way&trade;

“When applications are done well, they are just the really application-specific, brackish residue that can’t be so easily abstracted away. All the nice, reusable components sublimate away onto github and npm where everybody can collaborate to advance the commons.” — substack from “how I write modules”

node.js is shiny


These are the main modules that make up WebTorrent:

module tests version description
webtorrent torrent client (this module)
bittorrent-dht distributed hash table client
bittorrent-peerid identify client name/version
bittorrent-protocol bittorrent protocol stream
bittorrent-tracker bittorrent tracker server/client
bittorrent-lsd bittorrent local service discovery
create-torrent create .torrent files
magnet-uri parse magnet uris
parse-torrent parse torrent identifiers
torrent-discovery find peers via dht, tracker, and lsd
ut_metadata metadata for magnet uris (protocol extension)
ut_pex peer discovery (protocol extension)

Enable debug logs

In node, enable debug logs by setting the DEBUG environment variable to the name of the module you want to debug (e.g. bittorrent-protocol, or * to print all logs).

DEBUG=* webtorrent

In the browser, enable debug logs by running this in the developer console:

localStorage.setItem('debug', '*')

Disable by running this:



  • coming soon...