

Packs CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser.

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Webpack has a rich plugin interface. Most of the features within webpack itself use this plugin interface. This makes webpack very flexible.

Name Status Install Size Description
mini-css-extract-plugin mini-css-npm mini-css-size Extracts CSS into separate files. It creates a CSS file per JS file which contains CSS.
compression-webpack-plugin compression-npm compression-size Prepares compressed versions of assets to serve them with Content-Encoding
html-webpack-plugin html-plugin-npm html-plugin-size Simplifies creation of HTML files (index.html) to serve your bundles
pug-plugin pug-plugin-npm pug-plugin-size Renders Pug files to HTML, extracts JS and CSS from sources specified directly in Pug.


Webpack enables the use of loaders to preprocess files. This allows you to bundle any static resource way beyond JavaScript. You can easily write your own loaders using Node.js.

Loaders are activated by using loadername! prefixes in require() statements, or are automatically applied via regex from your webpack configuration.


Name Status Install Size Description
val-loader val-npm val-size Executes code as module and considers exports as JS code


Name Status Install Size Description
cson-npm cson-size Loads and transpiles a CSON file


Name Status Install Size Description
babel-npm babel-size Loads ES2015+ code and transpiles to ES5 using Babel
type-npm type-size Loads TypeScript like JavaScript
coffee-npm coffee-size Loads CoffeeScript like JavaScript


Name Status Install Size Description
html-npm html-size Exports HTML as string, requires references to static resources
pug-npm pug-size Loads Pug templates and returns a function
pug3-npm pug3-size Compiles Pug to a function or HTML string, useful for use with Vue, React, Angular
md-npm md-size Compiles Markdown to HTML
posthtml-npm posthtml-size Loads and transforms a HTML file using PostHTML
hbs-npm hbs-size Compiles Handlebars to HTML


Name Status Install Size Description
<style> style-npm style-size Add exports of a module as style to DOM
css-npm css-size Loads CSS file with resolved imports and returns CSS code
less-npm less-size Loads and compiles a LESS file
sass-npm sass-size Loads and compiles a Sass/SCSS file
stylus-npm stylus-size Loads and compiles a Stylus file
postcss-npm postcss-size Loads and transforms a CSS/SSS file using PostCSS


Name Status Install Size Description
vue-npm vue-size Loads and compiles Vue Components
polymer-npm polymer-size Process HTML & CSS with preprocessor of choice and require() Web Components like first-class modules
angular-npm angular-size Loads and compiles Angular 2 Components
riot-npm riot-size Riot official webpack loader
svelte-npm svelte-size Official Svelte loader


Webpack uses async I/O and has multiple caching levels. This makes webpack fast and incredibly fast on incremental compilations.

Code Splitting

Webpack allows you to split your codebase into multiple chunks. Chunks are loaded asynchronously at runtime. This reduces the initial loading time.


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