

VSCode intellisense and linting.

Build Status Visual Studio Marketplace

Lua for Visual Studio Code

Provides Intellisense and Linting for Lua in VSCode


  • [x] Autocompletion
  • [x] Go to Symbol
  • [x] Error checking
  • [x] Linting
  • [x] Formatting
  • [ ] Code Snippets


  • Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter:
  • ext install vscode-lua

Alternatively, you can download the extension from the marketplace.


lua.luacheckPath (Default: null)

Specifies the path to luacheck binary (if not found on PATH).

lua.preferLuaCheckErrors (Default: false)

Specifies whether to prefer luacheck errors over the standard luaparse errors if luacheck is available.

lua.targetVersion (Default: 5.1)

Specifies the target version of Lua. Valid options:

  • 5.1
  • 5.2
  • 5.3

Can also be changed using the version selector in the bottom right of the IDE.

lua.format.enabled (Default: true)

Specifies whether to use the Lua formatter

lua.format.lineWidth (Default: 120)

Maximum length of a line before it will be wrapped.

lua.format.indentCount (Default: 4)

Number of characters to indent.

lua.format.singleQuote (Default: false)

Whether to use single or double quotes on strings. Defaults to double quotes.

lua.linting.enabled (Default: true)

Specifies whether to enable linting of source files

lua.linting.luaCheckConfig (Default: null)

Path to a .luacheckrc to be used for linting, instead of the default luacheck search path

lua.linting.luaCheckArgs (Default: [])

Additional arguments to pass to luacheck



  • coming soon...