

🏈 Cache CocoaPods for faster rebuild and indexing Xcode project.


Why do we need some optimizations while working on huge projects with CocoaPods?
- Slow and unnecessary indexing of pods targets, which implementation we rarely try to edit;
- Redundant rebuild time, probably as a result of problems, related to CocoaPods or Xcode;
- Freezing UI during navigating through a project or editing it;
- Broken or extremely slow autocompletion;
- Noisy laptop turbines, heated aluminum, and infinite spinning pinwheel.

More in the 📖 foundation and remastering stories.


🏈 Rugby is CLI tool that was developed to solve the above problems:
+ Cache all pods dependencies and remove their targets from the Pods project;
+ Rebuild only changed pods or even download them;
+ Delete any unneeded targets with sources from a project and reduce its size.

How to install 📦

First of all, if you have the first version Rugby 1.x, you need to delete it.
Then call where rugby command and be sure that there are no any of paths to rugby.

First Install

curl -Ls https://swiftyfinch.github.io/rugby/install.sh | bash


If you already have Rugby, which version is at least 2.0.0b2, you can use such a command.

> rugby update

Full Guide

Read more in the guide how to install it.
If you look for the legacy Rugby 1.x, visit this page.

📚 Documentation

📦 How to Install
📖 Commands Help
🚏 Migration Guide
🐳 Remote Cache

🤝 Contribution

Feel free to open a pull request or a discussion.

Known Issues 🐞
#394: Unable to run tests via Xcode (via make test they run perfectly)
#270: Missing public OutputType


  • coming soon...