

Spree is a complete open source e-commerce solution for Ruby on Rails.

Spree Commerce - Open Source e-commerce platform

Spree Commerce

An open source eCommerce platform giving you full control and customizability.
Build any eCommerce solution that your business requires.

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Getting Started

Visit the Quickstart Guide to set up Spree in 5 minutes.


Customizable and modular

  • pick and choose parts you want to use
  • customize everything else (storefront, order processing, API, etc) Spree Commerce - Storefront customization

Composable and API-first

Cart and Checkout for any use case

  • advanced cart functionality
  • over 30 payment provider integrations out of the box
  • API to integrate any other payment gateway
  • robust discounts system
  • store credits, gift cards Spree Commerce - Cart   Checkout Spree Commerce - Payments   Refunds

Multi-Store ready

  • host multiple brands / stores on a single Spree instance
  • each with different branding, configuration, payment methods, shipping options, product catalogs etc Spree Commerce - Multi-store

Responsive Admin Panel

Manage and curate products, users, orders, returns, shipments & more Spree Commerce - Inventory management

Orders & Post-purchase management

Manage orders, shipments, returns and refunds Spree Commerce - Order   Return management Spree Commerce - Order Fulfillment

Why developers love it

  • Runs anywhere - cloud, VPS, Docker, Kubernetes
  • Battle Tested - used by thousands of merchants around the globe in all categories since 2007!
  • Extensions available adding new features to Spree

What you can build with Spree

Use Spree for any use case. Innovate beyond what’s out there.

A headless eCommerce micro-service

Capture orders and payments for whatever you’re selling - physical or digital, products or services

Spree Commerce - Composable eCommerce

A Multi-vendor marketplace

Run your own marketplace with multiple suppliers, each with a dedicated supplier dashboard Spree Commerce - Marketplace

A high-ticket B2B eCommerce

Start capturing 6+ figure orders from resellers with safe payments and a checkout process that fits your business model Spree Commerce - B2B eCommerce

Wholesale eCommerce

Run your wholesale operation the way your retail partners expect Spree Commerce - Wholesale

A SaaS eCommerce platform

Launch a multi-tenant, multi-store platform for your customers, resellers, affiliates in any configuration, eg. B2B2B, B2B2C, B2B2E

Spree Commerce - Multi-store


  • coming soon...