

Add a preferences window to your macOS app in minutes.


macOS 10.13 and later.


Add https://github.com/sindresorhus/Settings in the “Swift Package Manager” tab in Xcode.

Settings Tab Styles

When you create the SettingsWindowController, you can choose between the NSToolbarItem-based style (default) and the NSSegmentedControl:

// …
private lazy var settingsWindowController = SettingsWindowController(
	panes: [
	style: .segmentedControl
// …

.toolbarItem style:

NSToolbarItem based (default)

.segmentedControl style:

NSSegmentedControl based


public enum Settings {}

extension Settings {
	public enum Style {
		case toolbarItems
		case segmentedControl

public protocol SettingsPane: NSViewController {
	var paneIdentifier: Settings.PaneIdentifier { get }
	var paneTitle: String { get }
	var toolbarItemIcon: NSImage { get } // Not required when using the .`segmentedControl` style

public final class SettingsWindowController: NSWindowController {
		panes: [SettingsPane],
		style: Settings.Style = .toolbarItems,
		animated: Bool = true,
		hidesToolbarForSingleItem: Bool = true

		panes: [SettingsPaneConvertible],
		style: Settings.Style = .toolbarItems,
		animated: Bool = true,
		hidesToolbarForSingleItem: Bool = true

	func show(pane: Settings.PaneIdentifier? = nil)

As with any NSWindowController, call NSWindowController#close() to close the settings window.


The easiest way to create the user interface within each pane is to use a NSGridView in Interface Builder. See the example project in this repo for a demo.

Known issues

The settings window doesn’t show

This can happen when you are not using auto-layout or have not set a size for the view controller. You can fix this by either using auto-layout or setting an explicit size, for example, preferredContentSize in viewDidLoad(). We intend to fix this.


How can I localize the window title?

The SettingsWindowController adheres to the macOS Human Interface Guidelines and uses this set of rules to determine the window title:

  • Multiple settings panes: Uses the currently selected paneTitle as the window title. Localize your paneTitles to get localized window titles.
  • Single settings pane: Sets the window title to APPNAME Settings. The app name is obtained from your app’s bundle. You can localize its Info.plist to customize the title. The Settings part is taken from the “Settings…” menu item, see #12. The order of lookup for the app name from your bundle:
    1. CFBundleDisplayName
    2. CFBundleName
    3. CFBundleExecutable
    4. Fall back to "<Unknown App Name>" to show you’re missing some settings.

Why should I use this instead of just manually implementing it myself?

It can’t be that hard right? Well, turns out it is:

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Used in these apps

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