
SimpleX Chat

the first chat platform that is 100% private by design - it has no access to your connection graph!

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| 30/03/2023 | EN, FR, CZ, PL |

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SimpleX - the first messaging platform that has no user identifiers of any kind - 100% private by design!


Welcome to SimpleX Chat!

  1. 📲 Install the app.
  2. ↔️ Connect to the team, join user groups and follow our updates.
  3. 🤝 Make a private connection with a friend.
  4. 🔤 Help translating SimpleX Chat.
  5. ⚡️ Contribute and help us with donations.

Learn more about SimpleX Chat.

Follow our updates

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Make a private connection

You need to share a link with your friend or scan a QR code from their phone, in person or during a video call, to make a connection and start messaging.

The channel through which you share the link does not have to be secure - it is enough that you can confirm who sent you the message and that your SimpleX connection is established.

Make a private connection Conversation Video call

After you connect, you can verify connection security code.

User guide (NEW)

Read about the app features and settings in the new User guide.

Help translating SimpleX Chat

Thanks to our users and Weblate, SimpleX Chat apps, website and documents are translated to many other languages.

Join our translators to help SimpleX grow!

locale language contributor Android and iOS website Github docs
🇬🇧 en English
ar العربية jermanuts android app
🇧🇬 bg Български android app
ios app
🇨🇿 cs Čeština zen0bit android app
ios app
🇩🇪 de Deutsch mlanp android app
ios app
🇪🇸 es Español Mateyhv android app
ios app
🇫🇮 fi Suomi android app
ios app
🇫🇷 fr Français ishi_sama android app
ios app
🇮🇱 he עִברִית android app
🇭🇺 hu Magyar android app
🇮🇹 it Italiano unbranched android app
ios app
🇯🇵 ja 日本語 android app
ios app
🇳🇱 nl Nederlands mika-nl android app
ios app
🇵🇱 pl Polski BxOxSxS android app
ios app
🇧🇷 pt-BR Português android app
🇷🇺 ru Русский android app
ios app
🇹🇭 th ภาษาไทย titapa-punpun android app
ios app
🇹🇷 tr Türkçe android app
ios app
🇺🇦 uk Українська android app
ios app
🇨🇳 zh-CHS 简体中文 sith-on-mars

android app
ios app


Languages in progress: Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese and others. We will be adding more languages as some of the already added are completed – please suggest new languages, review the translation guide and get in touch with us!

Why privacy matters

Everyone should care about privacy and security of their communications - innocuous conversations can put you in danger even if there is nothing to hide.

One of the most shocking stories is the experience of Mohamedou Ould Salahi that he wrote about in his memoir and that is shown in The Mauritanian movie. He was put into Guantanamo camp, without trial, and was tortured there for 15 years after a phone call to his relative in Afghanistan, under suspicion of being involved in 911 attacks, even though he lived in Germany for the 10 years prior to the attacks.

It is not enough to use an end-to-end encrypted messenger, we all should use the messengers that protect the privacy of our personal networks - who we are connected with.

SimpleX approach to privacy and security

Complete ownership, control and security of your data

SimpleX stores all user data on client devices, the messages are only held temporarily on SimpleX relay servers until they are received. Read more.

Users own SimpleX network

You can use SimpleX with your own servers and still communicate with people using the servers that are pre-configured in the apps or any other SimpleX servers. Read more.

News and updates

Recent and important updates:

Jun 4, 2024. SimpleX network: private message routing, v5.8 released with IP address protection and chat themes

Apr 26, 2024. SimpleX network: legally binding transparency, v5.7 released with better calls and messages.

Mar 23, 2024. SimpleX network: real privacy and stable profits, non-profits for protocols, v5.6 released with quantum resistant e2e encryption and simple profile migration.

Mar 14, 2024. SimpleX Chat v5.6 beta: adding quantum resistance to Signal double ratchet algorithm.

Jan 24, 2024. SimpleX Chat: free infrastructure from Linode, v5.5 released with private notes, group history and a simpler UX to connect.

Nov 25, 2023. SimpleX Chat v5.4 released: link mobile and desktop apps via quantum resistant protocol, and much better groups.

Sep 25, 2023. SimpleX Chat v5.3 released: desktop app, local file encryption, improved groups and directory service.

Jul 22, 2023. SimpleX Chat: v5.2 released with message delivery receipts.

May 23, 2023. SimpleX Chat: v5.1 released with message reactions and self-destruct passcode.

Apr 22, 2023. SimpleX Chat: vision and funding, v5.0 released with videos and files up to 1gb.

Mar 1, 2023. SimpleX File Transfer Protocol – send large files efficiently, privately and securely, soon to be integrated into SimpleX Chat apps..

Nov 8, 2022. Security audit by Trail of Bits, the new website and v4.2 released.

Sep 28, 2022. v4.0: encrypted local chat database and many other changes.

All updates


SimpleX protocols and security model was reviewed, and had many breaking changes and improvements in v1.0.0.

The security audit was performed in October 2022 by Trail of Bits, and most fixes were released in v4.2.0 – see the announcement.

SimpleX Chat is still a relatively early stage platform (the mobile apps were released in March 2022), so you may discover some bugs and missing features. We would really appreciate if you let us know anything that needs to be fixed or improved.

The default servers configured in the app are provided on the best effort basis. We are currently not guaranteeing any SLAs, although historically our servers had over 99.9% uptime each.

We have never provided or have been requested access to our servers or any information from our servers by any third parties. If we are ever requested to provide such access or information, we will be following due legal process.

We do not log IP addresses of the users and we do not perform any traffic correlation on our servers. If transport level security is critical you must use Tor or some other similar network to access messaging servers. We will be improving the client applications to reduce the opportunities for traffic correlation.

Please read more in Privacy Policy.


  • coming soon...