

Browser-based debug console. Originally made for LÖVE, but works in any project with LuaSocket support.


A browser-based debug console for the LÖVE framework.

screenshot from 2014-06-28 14 52 34

Additional Functionality

To make use of additional functionality, the module can be assigned to a variable when it is required:

lovebird = require "lovebird"

Any configuration variables should be set before lovebird.update() is called.


The port which lovebird listens for connections on. By default this is 8000


A table of hosts which lovebird will accept connections from. Any connection made from a host which is not on the whitelist is logged and closed immediately. If lovebird.whitelist is set to nil then all connections are accepted. The default is { "" }. To allow all computers on the local network access to lovebird, "192.168.*.*" can be added to this table.


Whether lovebird should wrap the print() function or not. If this is true then all the calls to print will also be output to lovebird’s console. This is true by default.


Whether lovebird should display inputted commands in the console’s output buffer; true by default.


The maximum number of lines lovebird should store in its console’s output buffer. By default this is 200.


The interval in seconds that the page’s information is updated; this is 0.5 by default.


Whether prints should allow HTML. If this is true then any HTML which is printed will be rendered as HTML; if it false then all HTML is rendered as text. This is false by default.


Prints its arguments to lovebird’s console. If lovebird.wrapprint is set to true this function is automatically called when print() is called.


Clears the contents of the console, returning it to an empty state.


  • coming soon...