

Library for unit testing with memory leak detection (Linux, freeBSD and Windows). [`GPL2`](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html)

Note for Visual Studio users

If you want to build cutest under MSVC you need to invoke Hefesto as follows:

> hefesto --toolset=msvc-c-lib

The command above will build lib/libcutestmt.lib.

If you want to build lib/libcutestmtd.lib, use:

> hefesto --toolset=msvc-c-lib --compile-model=debug

On 64-bit environments 64-bit lib artifacts will be built, for 32-bit, use:

>hefesto --toolset=msvc-c-lib --cpu-arch=x86

After run one of the commands listed above, a file named libcutest.lib will be generated inside src/lib path. Note that use cutest on MSVC is a little bit tricky. It envolves composite the cutest with your current msvcrt.lib (it explains why the cutest.lib is so huge).

Important: When linking your test artifact. You need to add the following link option: /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT,MSVCRTD.

I have tested it over Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.


  • coming soon...