

High-performance SQL database for time series. Supports InfluxDB line protocol, PostgreSQL wire protocol, and REST.

Try QuestDB

Our live demo is provisioned with the latest QuestDB release and sample datasets:

  • Trips: 10 years of NYC taxi trips with 1.6 billion rows
  • Trades: live crypto market data with 30M+ rows per month
  • Pos: geolocations of 250k unique ships over time
Query Execution time
SELECT sum(double) FROM trips 0.15 secs
SELECT sum(double), avg(double) FROM trips 0.5 secs
SELECT avg(double) FROM trips WHERE time in '2019' 0.02 secs
SELECT time, avg(double) FROM trips WHERE time in '2019-01-01' SAMPLE BY 1h 0.01 secs
SELECT * FROM trades LATEST ON timestamp PARTITION BY symbol 0.00025 secs

Our demo is running on c5.metal instance and using 24 cores out of 96.

Get started

QuestDB Enterprise

QuestDB Enterprise (self-hosted or BYOC) allows your organization to run the database at scale, securely. Additional features include multi-primary ingestion, read replica(s), cold storage integration, Role-based access control, monitoring, TLS, and more.

Connect to QuestDB

You can interact with QuestDB using the following interfaces:

Insert data

Below are the official QuestDB clients for ingesting data via the InfluxDB Line Protocol:

Configure QuestDB for production workloads

Find our capacity planning to fine-tune QuestDB for production workloads.

End-to-end quickstart

Want to walk through everything, from streaming ingestion to visualization with Grafana? Check out our multi-path quickstart repository.

How QuestDB compares to other open-source TSDBs

Checkout our benchmark blog post which compares QuestDB and InfluxDB across functionality, maturity and performance.

A chart comparing the ingestion rate of QuestDB, InfluxDB and TimescaleDB.


📚 Read the docs

📈 Demo dashboards

  • Live demo: explore a live instance of QuestDB with preloaded datasets.
  • Real-time crypto dashboard: Monitor executed trades on Coinbase from more than 20 assets in real time.
  • NYC taxi: A real-time replay of 146,393,317 taxi rides, carrying 238,016,495 passengers across New York City in 2016.

🚢 Deploy QuestDB


  • coming soon...