

Implementation of Google Protocol Buffer in C. [`FreeBSD`](https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:FreeBSD)

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This is protobuf-c, a C implementation of the Google Protocol Buffers data serialization format. It includes libprotobuf-c, a pure C library that implements protobuf encoding and decoding, and protoc-c, a code generator that converts Protocol Buffer .proto files to C descriptor code, based on the original protoc. protobuf-c formerly included an RPC implementation; that code has been split out into the protobuf-c-rpc project.

protobuf-c was originally written by Dave Benson and maintained by him through version 0.15 but is now being maintained by a new team. Thanks, Dave!

Mailing list

protobuf-c’s mailing list is hosted on a Google Groups forum. Subscribe by sending an email to protobuf-c+subscribe@googlegroups.com.


protobuf-c requires a C compiler, a C++ compiler, protobuf, and pkg-config to be installed.

./configure && make && make install

If building from a git checkout, the autotools (autoconf, automake, libtool) must also be installed, and the build system must be generated by running the autogen.sh script.

./autogen.sh && ./configure && make && make install


If you want to execute test cases individually, please run the following command after running ./configure once:

 make check


See the online Doxygen documentation here or the Wiki for a detailed reference. The Doxygen documentation can be built from the source tree by running:

make html


  • coming soon...