

Polyglot embeddable JVM. (GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0)

GraalVM provides additional languages, tools, and other components developed in related repositories. These are:

Name Description
[FastR] Implementation of the R language.
[GraalJS] Implementation of JavaScript and Node.js.
[GraalPy] Implementation of the Python language.
[GraalVM Demos][graalvm-demos] Several example applications illustrating GraalVM capabilities.
[Native Build Tools][native-build-tools] Build tool plugins for GraalVM Native Image.
[SimpleLanguage] A simple example language built with the Truffle framework.
[SimpleTool] A simple example tool built with the Truffle framework.
[TruffleRuby] Implementation of the Ruby language.


  • coming soon...