

A cross platform open source toolkit for creative coding in C++. [MIT] [website](http://www.openframeworks.cc/)


openFrameworks is a C++ toolkit for creative coding. If you are new to OF, welcome!

Build status

  • The master branch contains the newest, most recently updated code. This code is packaged and available for download in the “Nightly Builds” section of openframeworks.cc/download.
  • The stable branch contains the code corresponding to the last stable openFrameworks release. This stable code is packaged and available for download at openframeworks.cc/download.
Platform Master branch Stable branch
Windows MSYS2 Build status Build status
Windows Visual Studio Build status Build status
Linux 64 & Arm Linux Build Status Linux Build Status
Emscripten Emscripten Build Status Emscripten Build Status
macos macos Build Status macos Build Status
iOS & tvOS iOS tvOS Build Status iOS tvOS Build Status


To grab a copy of openFrameworks for your platform, check the download page on the main site.

If you are working with the Git repository, the stable branch of the OF repository corresponds to the most recent release, with a few important differences:

  1. The release includes a simple openFrameworks project generator.
  2. This GitHub repository contains code and libs for all the platforms, but the releases are done on a per-platform basis.
  3. This GitHub repository has no project files for the different examples. They are generated automatically for each release using a tool in apps/projectGenerator/.
  4. There are no external dependencies in this repository, you can download them using the download_libs.sh script for each platform in the particular platform folder inside scripts.

If you want to work with the openFrameworks GitHub repository, you need to download the external dependencies and you should use the project generator to create project files for all the code in examples/. To generate the project files with the project generator enable the ‘Advanced Options’ in the settings tab, then use ‘Update Multiple’ to update the projects for the examples/ folder path in the repo.

To set up the project generator submodule within the OF repo, use the command git submodule init then git submodule update whilst inside the openFrameworks repo.

For more info on working with the Project Generator, for per-platform readmes, and more information, see the documentation.


openFrameworks uses Semantic Versioning, although strict adherence will only come into effect at version 1.0.0.


  • coming soon...