
New Relic

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New Relic Ruby Agent

The New Relic Ruby agent monitors your applications to help you identify and solve performance issues. You can also extend the agent’s performance monitoring to collect and analyze business data to help you improve the customer experience and make data-driven business decisions.

The New Relic Ruby agent is dual-purposed as either a Gem or a Rails plugin, hosted on GitHub.

This code is actively maintained by New Relic engineering teams and delivered here in GitHub. See below for troubleshooting and defect reporting instructions.

Gem Version

Installing and Using

The latest released gem for the Ruby agent can be found at RubyGems.org

Quick Start

With Bundler

For using with Bundler, add the Ruby agent to your project’s Gemfile.

gem 'newrelic_rpm'

and run bundle install to activate the new gem.

Without Bundler

If you are not using Bundler, install the gem with:

gem install newrelic_rpm

and then require the New Relic Ruby agent in your Ruby start-up sequence:

require 'newrelic_rpm'

Other Environments

Assuming you have installed the agent per above, you may also need to tell the Ruby agent to start for some frameworks and non-framework environments. To do so, add the following to your Ruby start-up sequence start the agent:



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We define “Personal Data” as any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, including, for example, your name, phone number, post code or zip code, Device ID, IP address, and email address.

Please review New Relic’s General Data Privacy Notice for more information.


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