

Simple static analyzer which detects accidental globals and undefined or shadowed locals.

Using LuaRocks

From your command line run the following command (using sudo if necessary):

luarocks install luacheck

For parallel checking Luacheck additionally requires LuaLanes, which can be installed using LuaRocks as well (luarocks install lanes).

Windows binary download

For Windows there is single-file 64-bit binary distribution, bundling Lua 5.3.4, Luacheck, LuaFileSystem, and LuaLanes using LuaStatic: download.

Other projects


Documentation is available online. If Luacheck has been installed using LuaRocks, it can be browsed offline using luarocks doc luacheck command.

Documentation can be built using Sphinx: sphinx-build docsrc doc, the files will be found inside doc/.


Luacheck is currently in development. The latest released version is 0.23.0. The interface of the luacheck module may change between minor releases. The command line interface is fairly stable.

Use the Luacheck issue tracker on GitHub to submit bugs, suggestions and questions. Any pull requests are welcome, too.

Building and testing

After the Luacheck repo is cloned and changes are made, run luarocks make (using sudo if necessary) from its root directory to install dev version of Luacheck. To run Luacheck using sources in current directory without installing it, run lua -e 'package.path="./src/?.lua;./src/?/init.lua;"..package.path' bin/luacheck.lua .... To test Luacheck, ensure that you have busted and luautf8 installed and run busted.


  • coming soon...