

LuaCov reporter for coveralls.io.

Command line arguments

luacov-coveralls [-h] [-v] [-c FILE] [-j FILE] [-e PAT] [-i PAT]
                 [-r DIR] [-t TOKEN] [-o FILE] [--dryrun]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         print verbose messages
  -c FILE, --config FILE
                        configuration file
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        output file
  -j FILE, --json FILE  merge report with this json report
  -m, --merge           merge statistics for files with same name
  -r DIR, --root DIR    set the root directory
  -e PAT, --exclude PAT set exclude pattern
  -i PAT, --include PAT set include pattern
  -s NAME, --service-name NAME
                        set `service_name` field explicitly
  -b [+-]VALUE, --build-number [+-]VALUE
                        set/change `service_number` field explicitly
  -t TOKEN, --repo-token TOKEN
                        set the repo_token of this project
  --dryrun              run coveralls without uploading report

Note! --build-number option is experimental.

Test Lua module written on Lua and C using cpp-coveralls

  - sudo pip install cpp-coveralls
  - sudo luarocks install luacov-coveralls

  - lua -lluacov test.lua

  - coveralls --dump c.report.json
  - luacov-coveralls -j c.report.json

See lua-travis-example


  • coming soon...