
Dart Barrel File Generator

VSCode extension that generates barrel files for Dart projects.

Dart Barrel File Generator

VSCode extension that generate barrel files for folders containing dart files.


It can create barrel files only two the selected folder


It creates a barrel file for the selected folder and all the nested folders from the selected. Likewise, it also adds the nested folder barrel file to its parent barrel file.


Alternatively, the extension can create a barrel file with all the names of the nested folders (for each subfolder), without creating additional barrel files.



Command Description
GDBF: This folder Creates a barrel file for the selected folder
GDBF: Folders (recursive) Creates a barrel file for the selected and its nested folders
GDBF: Folders' files (recursive) Creates a barrel file for the selected exporting all files with the entire path

Both commands can be used by typing in the command palette. It will then ask you to choose a folder. If it is done from the folder tree, it will use the selected folder as the root folder.


Excluding files

You can also exclude .freezed.dart and .g.dart (generated) files by modifying the following options in your settings:

  • dartBarrelFileGenerator.excludeFreezed: false (by default).
  • dartBarrelFileGenerator.excludeGenerated: false (by default).

It is also possible to exclude glob patterns:

  • For files, you can add a list of file globs in the dartBarrelFile.excludeFileList option.
  • For directories, you can add a list of directories globs in the dartBarrelFile.excludeDirList option.

Default barrel file name

The extension will create a barrel file with the <folder-name>.dart by default. This behaviour can be changed if the dartBarrelFileGenerator.defaultBarrelName option is set. By changing this option, whenever a barrel file is created, it will use the name set in the configuration instead of the default.

Note: If the name contains any white-space, such will be replaced by _.

Custom file name

By default, the extension will create a new file named as the folder name, appended by the .dart extension. However, if you want to set the name, you can activate the following option:

  • dartBarrelFileGenerator.promptName: false (by default).

Whenever you create a new barrel file, a prompt will appear to ask for the file name. It can be used for both options.

Note: When entering the name, the .dart extension is not required.

Other options

  • Skipping empty folders: by default, dartBarrelFileGenerator will not generate a barrel file for a folder that does not have any file to export. You can change this behaviour by setting dartBarrelFileGenerator.skipEmpty to false.
  • Exporting as package:<app-name>/ if the extension is executed in the ./lib folder. Enable it by setting dartBarrelFileGenerator.prependPackageLibToExport to true. Disabled by default.


Extension icon made by Freepik from flaticon.


  • coming soon...