

A minimalist Flutter game engine.

Flutter favorite


A Flutter-based game engine.


The full documentation for Flame can be found on docs.flame-engine.org.

To change the version of the documentation, use the version selector noted with version: in the top of the page.

Note: The documentation that resides in the main branch is newer than the released documentation on the docs website.

Other useful links:

  • The official Flame site.
  • Examples of most features which can be tried out from your browser.
    • To access the code for each example, press the < > button in the top right corner.
  • Tutorials - Some simple tutorials to get started.
  • API Reference - The generated dartdoc API reference.
  • awesome-flame - A curated list of Tutorials, Games, Libraries and Articles.


There is a Flame community on Blue Fire’s Discord server where you can ask any of your Flame related questions.

If you are more comfortable with StackOverflow, you can also create a question there. Add the Flame tag, to make sure that anyone following the tag can help out.


  • The Blue Fire team, who are continuously working on maintaining and improving Flame and its ecosystem.
  • All the friendly contributors and people who are helping out in the community.


  • coming soon...