

Binary serialization format meant to be compact, fast and easy-to-use. [`Apache 2.0`](https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Apache-2.0)

Other Implementations

Feel free to make a wrapper for your preferred language. Then inform us so we can list it here.

How to use

  1. Including the binn.c file in your project; or
  2. Including the static library in your project; or
  3. Linking to the binn library:

On Linux and MacOSX:

gcc myapp.c -lbinn

On Windows:

Include the binn-3.0.lib in your MSVC project or use MinGW:

gcc myapp.c -lbinn-3.0

Compiling the Library

On Linux and MacOSX:

git clone https://github.com/liteserver/binn
cd binn
sudo make install

It will create the file libbinn.so.3.0 on Linux and libbinn.3.dylib on MacOSX

On Windows:

Use the included Visual Studio project in the src/win32 folder or compile it using MinGW:

git clone https://github.com/liteserver/binn
cd binn

Both will create the file binn-3.0.dll

Static library

To generate a static library:

make static

It will create the file libbinn.a

On Android:

Check for pre-compiled binaries in the android-binn-native project

Regression Tests

On Linux, MacOSX and Windows (MinGW):

cd binn
make test


  • coming soon...